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Re: GANN article in MTA newsletter

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Jim & Hans,

The drawing you get from  your perl script is absolutely in accord with the
way the original Gann Square of Nine was drawn  as it falls out from my dog
eared Gann Commodities Course .  However I think you have not understood a
vital concept ie that of Opposition. The 200 is 180 degrees or opposition
from the 229 price.

The Square of Nine's diagonals (45Degrees, 135 Degrees, 225 Degrees and 315
degree) are actually representative of the Fixed Cross Astrologically. The
up and Down lines ( 0, 90, 180, 270) are representative of the Cardinal

Because the Square of Nine is not a prefect circle but is a Arithmetic
Progression Spiral the even Squares of Numbers are one removed from where
Gann was supposed to really care about in terms of the strict mathematics of

I do not know how the article determined the lower range for the day (I am
an ATAA & An IFTA member not an MTA member) - unless that is was just below
the Square of 14 ie 196 which Gann would have perceived as Static
ressistance. Maybe you could post the logic to the list.  The author appears
to be using the Square of Nine in what Bryce Gilmore called in 1987 a
"Dynamic" sense. Your interpretation is what he would call Static.   That is
you can use the Square of Nine to look for relativities ie Dynamic or
Absolutes ie Statics just like in an Excel Spreadsheet.

But if it was looking for the static diagonal of the squares to contain the
high price then your interpretation of 225 not 229 makes sense. But what the
article was probably really trying to say that Time of 200 days and price of
229 are actually opposition 180 degrees from each other along the 337.5
Degree and the 157.5 degree line.

David Hunt

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Michael <genepool@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: Omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx <Omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sunday, January 03, 1999 3:56 AM
Subject: GANN article in MTA newsletter

>While hunting for indicators I came across the MTA newsletter at mta.org.
>An article on p.1 describes the Gann square. Seeing an interesting
>programming problem, I wrote a simple perl script which generates a web
>page with a Gann square (http://xmlworks.com/gann/). Now, as I am
>following the interpretation of the square for corn in the article, I get
>a different interpretation from that stated in the article, e.g. corn
>settles at 211 on the 200th day, the expected range for the next day is
>197-229 according to the article, found by moving up from the 200 point
>to the corner of the square (197) and diagonally through the center to
>the next logical upper bound at 229. However, when I look at my square
>(which begins with 1), I have the correct value of 197 for the lower
>bound, but traversing the diagonal yields 225, not 229. So, my question
>to any Gann guru is, am I misinterpreting the article, or is this a typo?
>You can see the square I am referencing on the web page above. TIA.