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RE: The Brown Shirts have it!

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Another tear jerker from Bill.   Some points need to be made:

1. This whole thing is your doing.  You're the one who repeatedly spammed
the omega list, you're the one who depsite the cries of people on this list,
continued to advertise on the omeg list.  You're the one who set this whole
thing up from the beinning knowing damn well what the rules were.
2. Weather that's you daughter's mail address or not is up for debate but
WHAT THE HELL did you suggest to your daughter that she 1. Sign up for the
list in the first place  2. Promote your book on the list and  3.  Ignore
the Sherrif's message.   She chose to participate therefor she directly
exposing herself to whoever is one this list and whatever type of response
her comments solicit.  Stop with the Bullshit already, please!  Again, you
have only yourself to blame!
3. The foul language?  I garuntee your daughter has heard worse in
college -- probably even high school.  I bet she's even spoken worse in
situations you would rather not like to imagine.  Wake up and smell the
4. PS: Shit nice spam for you DBCEuro page.  Once again, you've proven that
Mr. Esser and Mr. Brown were right in what they did all along.  Thanks for
ignoring the rules once again.
5. Why did you drag your daughter into this in the first place?  Was telling
her about the Omega page the right thing to do?  If your books so damn good
why did she need this list in the first place?  You dragged your daughter
into this, now you have to get her out.  Again, it's your responsibility,
you're the one who made the mistake of exposing your family to the list.
I'm surprised that such a proptedtly successful trader doesn't know how to
take better responibility for his actions.
6. You knew Mr. Brown, his track record and the feelings of other members on
the list in general.  Yet you sent cronnie after cronnie after cronie to
spam the list with the exact same message about your manual.  Worse yet you
enlisted your daughter to whore your manual out for a few bucks.  You should
of thought twice about using your family as advertsing bait if you were
genuinely concerned about their well-being.


-----Original Message-----
From:	T-Bondtrader [mailto:t-bondtrader@xxxxxxx]
Sent:	Monday, November 16, 1998 1:13 AM
To:	Omega List
Subject:	The Brown Shirts have it!

Now that Mr Brown as sought to send obnoxious mail to my daughter, accusing
her of being me, I am afraid that's it, the Brown Shirts have it - and the
list can keep them!

For what it is worth, the error occurred because my daughter has two
addresses:  a private one (under her husband's name which starts with P and
is, most unfortunately next to O and Omega in my address book) and her
business address.  If I am not sure which is the better address to write to
I often do both.  In this case, probably due to being distraught, I failed
to notice I had pressed the wrong key.  The Omega button has now been
deleted.  It won't happen again.

Just for the record:  Katrina McGowan is not me.  Raymond Stacey is not me.
Rosalind Lee is not me.  Nor are any other names suggested, me.  Nor have I
ever suggested to anyone, let alone those mentioned, that they write
anything for me.  I have only ever written to this list in my name or, more
usually, as T-Bondtrader, which is my email address.

It is quite clear to me that daring to suggest that the T-Bonds can be
traded successfully without any indicators, systems or other gismos which
are dear to the hearts of the Brown brigade, has invoked the fury of the
loutish minority.  I must certainly bear my part of the blame for over
stepping the line between advertising and information. However, I firmly
believe that, in the interests of showing those, who otherwise get sucked
into buying these expensive programmes in their search for the ultimate
mechanical trading system, that they can earn a perfectly decent living from
learning to, as they say, 'reading the tape' in the right market, it was
justified.  Certainly quite a number on the list agreed that it was.

However, when my family gets attacked, I draw the line and I am not prepared
to discuss the rights and wrongs of the situation with likes of Mr Brown and
his cohorts. The debate on the benefits of learning to trade rather than
using a mechanical system, will just have to be left to others - if they
have the stomach for constantly being rubbished with foul language.

Suffice it to say, that those who asked me not to stop posting to the list
will have to follow my posts to the www.dbceuro.com site, which yesterday I
revamped and should be ready for business at around the time the markets
open today.  This way, the list will not hear from me, so there will be no
need for all the shouting, swearing and quite disgusting language, which is
so offensive to most civilised people - whatever side of the Atlantic they
are on.

I am obviously dreadfully embarrassed that my private post got on the list.
It was certainly the last straw of a tragic day for me.  But when I heard
that Mr Brown had written to my daughter...


Bill Eykyn