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The Linux of Financial Trading Systems

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New information: we have a web site. www.veydatech.com
Go there for more information on this project. If you want to edit the page,
email me for the password.

Here's the last post for those that missed it:

We're getting somewhere! Thanks again for all the interest. In this post,
I'll suggest the next two steps we should take and give a quick update on
the feedback that is coming in.

I have 24 people on the project list so far. I may not have collected all
the names
of people responding via posts. Of these 24, 15 sound really serious. Most
of these 15 have volunteered to help in some fashion. In some cases we have
had significant offers of help -- very significant!

My feeling is that we have enough interest to move forward. Once we start,
more people will commit to help -- seeing that we actually are going to do
this. However, with the skill level of the people expressing interest (and
the amount of serious work along these lines already completed by some of
these people) we have enough of a community to make this project happen now!
That's my informed opinion.

The next step we need to take is to do an "inventory." This inventory will
let us know objectively if we have the resources to start now. I will go
through the news groups and see if I've missed any volunteers. I'll organize
a list of volunteers, their skills applicable to the project, their
interest, as well as offers to contribute work already done. In addition
we've had people offer to provide use of web sites and other resources. I
will start organizing this list of all our resources. Send any additional
replies, clarifications, new offers, etc., in this regard so that I can put
together a complete list of our starting "inventory" for this project.

One friend made the suggestion that we consider working with GNU. Any

Other people have offered some really intriguing suggestions and approaches.
Once we are organized we'll need to take a serious look at all these
suggestions. I'd like to make use of a project management web site or
similar tool. There is a tool for the construction industry called e-Builder
(www.mpinteractive.com) that might give us some ideas for organizing our
project's web site. The web site could feature an organized listing of all
the good suggestions people make. It could also feature a record of our
design decisions at each step of the way.

About the only resource that we don't yet have is a volunteer who has high
level experience organizing or managing the Linux project or Netscape's
Mozilla source code project. I did get an email from someone who sounded
like he had a lot of experience working on Linux code, but it wasn't clear
if he was volunteering and it wasn't clear what role he played on the Linux
project. I'll look for his mail again. Having someone with experience on a
project like that would be of great value to us.

It is clear to me that this project _will_ happen. There are several people
who are completely committed to coding their own trading platforms, myself
included. Each of these people is committed to doing this work for their own
use, regardless of the project for an open source code trading platform. As
mentioned, these people have offered to donate their work to this project!
That's significant! With this level of commitment -- where people are going
to do this work even if they have to do it on their own -- it makes all the
sense in the world to do this project. That's why it will happen! We may
decide to do it slightly differently than originally conceived. We may take
an approach not yet thought of. But I don't think there is any doubt that
we're going to do it. And it seems that we are ready to get going right

Best wishes to everyone!