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I cant believe IT'S SPAM?

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I can not believe you two guys and one supposed girl Rose believe Bill's
crap.  You must have stopped reading half way down.  If a dog dies who would
tell there daughter the grim details of how the body was stiff and shit like
that?  Then to top it all off he tells here of the manuals and how to pay
for them and then he entices you with the oldest trick in the book.  I guess
you went hunting for that secret page on the web site he talked about. You
guys dont have a brain I'm sorry for you.  I way underestimated the
effectiveness of sewer gas fumes on the human brain.   Wow I have really
been wasting my time, please SPAM AWAY THEY DESERVE IT!

World Sales Headquarters of VaporStation  http://www.markbrown.com/vs/
now taking cash advances $100,000.00 per program one program per person
limit. Or if you prefer Special for Bill's buddies 1,000,000.00 per program
and no program limit.

Executive Editor of BS Express
Mark the mean Dead Dog Kicker Brown  (may all of Bill's dogs be so lucky)

:Probably almost all of us on the list share this view and are also
:very sorry. I think Mark just mistakenly assumed that this was
:more spam, perhaps the preface to an upcoming sequel to the
:bond manual on the Dogs of the Dow...
:Tom T.
:>While I view the world with a healthy dose of suspicion and have a
:>particularly strong dislike of spamming, I choose to believe that Bill's
:>obviously personal message was sent to the Omega List by mistake. I have
:>lost more than one beloved pet, and my heart goes out to Bill for his