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RE: a little humor....

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"But I always assumed the really smart people did and I just don't
understand how the computer software industry was so short sighted with
this year 2000 business."


That the really rich are also the really smart, and have strategically and
skillfully guided their companies to dominance has got to be one of the
biggest misnomers around.  There's a book called barbarians led by Bill
Gates recently published.  It was written by a long time MS coder (Ehuler)
who was intrumental in writing code for the first several versions of
windows.  He worked closely with bill gates and high level developers on the
project.  By his account, Windows was never meant to be a mainstream
operating system.  Bill Gates thought Microsoft's best path was brownosing
IBM and developing OS2.  Microsoft never did anything much with the first
few versions of windows.  Windows was supposed to run as much like as Mac as
possible.  The year long delay before the first version of windowas was
released because it wasn't Mac like enough.  One of the biggest problems
with Windows was backwards compatibility with DOS programs and allowing
these programs to run in their own memory space.  When a couple developers
just on a whim and their own initiative solved this problem, Windows as we
know it fell into the lap of Mr. Gates.  He documents several other
episoides like this.

According to this man, the building of the Microsoft empire was more like a
raft ride down a wild river -- "Rock ahead, everybody move to the left --
no, no the other left" .  Much of their strategy has been to kill
competitors and let their software float to the top, rather than compete
through building superior software.


-----Original Message-----
From:	Robert W Cummings [mailto:robertwc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent:	Thursday, October 29, 1998 8:07 AM
To:	Dennis Holverstott
Cc:	Omega List
Subject:	Re: a little humor....


That was good you know I've never been much of a planner don't even know
what I'm doing this weekend.
But I always assumed the really smart people did and I just don't
understand how the computer software industry was so short sighted with
this year 2000 business.

 Dennis Holverstott wrote:
>....to lighten up the mood :-)
>Boris Yeltsin, Bill Clinton and Bill Gates were invited to have dinner
>with God.
>During dinner He told them:
>  "I need three important people to send my message out to all people --
>   Tomorrow I will destroy the earth."
>Yeltsin immediately called together his cabinet and told them:
>  "I have two very bad news items for you:
>   1. God really exists, and
>   2. Tomorrow He will destroy the earth."
>Clinton called an Emergency meeting of the Senate and Congress and told
>  "I have Good news and Bad News:
>   1. The good news is: God really does exist.
>   2. The bad news is: tomorrow He's destroying the earth."
>Bill Gates went back to Microsoft and happily announced:
>  "I have two fantastic announcements.
>   1. I am one of three most important people on earth.
>   2. The Year 2000 problem is solved."
>   Dennis