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RE: OMEGA's Y2K Latest Published Stance?!?!?

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"nobody had promised anyone
a Rose Garden..."

This is BU-FU BS!   Ohmagit pressed their ass against the window and ripped
a big one, right in the face of their users.  No Rose Garden there or if
there was it's gone now -- right along with the company!   Their reply was
crap and did absolutely nothing for anyone.  They could have said the same
thing by saying nothing!!!  TS users who need a Y2K patch are no more
assured of getting one in June then they were last June.  How many other
mellenium bugs are waiting to be discovered in TS4.0?  Can charting really
plot beyond the year 2000?  Are all EL functions compatible with y2000?
What about internal monitroing of systems beyond year 2000?  We don't know
how all functions of TS will behave past the year 2000 but I'll bet Omega
does.  In fact, their betting that it will be so screwed up their best bet
is to drag Y2K issue so far out that users will be all but forced to upgrade
to 5.0.  Why produce a patch when the problems in TS4.0 after 2000 are
beyond your wildest imagination and everyone will be forced to upgrade!
When 5.0 comes out most will want to upgrade to 5.0 and those few remaining
with 4 will not be able to complain loud enough.  This is the kind of BS
marketing ploys Ohmagit is renowned for.

Yes, when I buy software I expect it to work for more than a couple years.


-----Original Message-----
From:	Ron Augustine [mailto:RonAug@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent:	Wednesday, October 28, 1998 9:29 PM
To:	omega-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject:	Re: OMEGA's Y2K Latest Published Stance?!?!?

At 04:51 AM 10/29/98 GMT, you wrote:

Welcome to the real world!  Last time I checked, nobody had promised anyone
a Rose Garden...
>I haven't been following the list lately... Sorry!
>I don't know if everyone is aware of this or not??
>But, I happen to be by the Omega Web-site today and read their
>"LATEST" Promise regarding the Y2K issue!!
>> EXCERP from the above mentioned message....
>.... "We will use commercially reasonable efforts to complete the Year
>2000 solution by no later than June 30, 1999. However, there can be no
>assurance that unanticipated difficulties will not delay the Company"s
>Year 2000 efforts, or that modifications made will not adversely
>affect existing functionality of the products in ways not currently
>anticipated by the Company. There will be no Year 2000 modifications
>or solutions for any versions of the Company"s products introduced
>prior to the current shipping versions, or for any products not
>specifically named above."......
>Seems to me they are "CUTTING" it a little thin here... aren't they??
>NOT only that.... they go on to say.........
>"there can be no assurance that unanticipated difficulties will not
>delay the Company"s Year 2000 efforts, or that modifications made will
>not adversely affect existing functionality of the products in ways
>not currently anticipated by the Company."
>Looks as though ALL the version 3.5 & prior people are S.O.L!!!
>God, if their stock wasn't already about as low as it could go... I'D
>Tim M..... LOOK OUT, I'm starting to collect "BROWN PAPER BAGS!!"