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Bill Eykyn

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May I ask why you have a problem with Mr Eykyn?

David Wadsworth
Senior Executive - Sales

Sure he is a spammer and he referenced a crook that is being investigated
for theft and miss representation by the NFA! namely Roy Kelly! I would
suggest that if you have any connection with Bill Eykyn you sever it!  I
went back and viewed the post he has made to the Omega List and they have
never been anything but self promotion.  If he had ever contributed anything
that was useful you would not be getting this response from me.  If Bill is
such a hot shot trader fine, but I have
never ever seen a successful trader that never lost and wasn't eager to talk
about those losers.  Bill has never talked about loosing trades and thats a
RED flag for me.  Plus he has tried to use this forum to suck in newbie
traders that believe his shit. I sir am not that dumb and have been around
the block a few times to know and recognize a spammer/scammer when I hear

Mark Brown
Senior Executive - Spammer Butt Kicker spanning Continents

If you wish to contact an attorney about suing Omega research? below is
the attorney that is handling the class action lawsuit against them on
of their stockholders.

Please free to contact me.  Sincerely,   Ralph M. Stone
Shalov Stone & Bonner
276 Fifth Avenue, Suite 704
New York, New York  10001
(212) 686-8004
Fax (212) 686-8005

Read About Omega's Lawsuit on the web
Below are some interesting web sites..