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Printing with EasyLanguage

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Being able to send text to my printer from TS seemed like an excellent
idea, so I immediately tried your program. But my HP Deskjet, the
default system printer, does not seem to be receiving anything. Is there
something more that needs to be set up in TS to allow printing using

--Gabe Hanover

At 11:35 AM 10/7/98 -0500, Mark Brown wrote:
>INPUTS: StochHi(90),
> StochLow(20),
> Len(14);
>value1 = SlowKCustom(H, L, C, Len);
>condition1 =  value1 crosses over StochHi;
>condition2 =  value1 crosses under StochLow;
>IF  condition1 or condition2  THEN begin
> Print(printer,"");
> Print(printer,"");
> If commoditynumber = 5035 then print(printer, "AAPL  ");
> If commoditynumber = 5005 then print(printer, "ADBE  ");
> If commoditynumber = 5002 then print(printer,"AMAT  ");
> If commoditynumber = 5004 then print(printer, "AMD  ");
>   PRINT(Printer,date:6:0, Time:5:0, "  Stochastic=", value1:3:2, "
>Price=", C:4:2 ) ;
>Plot2(SlowDCustom(H, L, C, Len),"SlowDCust");