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Re: Spread support

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>Earl ("The Original Cry Baby") Adamy wrote:

At least Earl uses his own name and doesn't hide behind Omega Spam,  btw I
now know that you are being paid for these post and the others that claim to
not be compensated are in fact being indirectly compensated by Bill Cruz.  I
learned all this from inside sources, I figure you know who they are.  They
are planning to leave anyway under their own power.  Can you estimate the
number of employees that have gone through the doors at Omega?  I am just
thankful one at least I suspect has lifted the source code from them and the
mechanism to reproduce hardware locks.  When this makes its way to an Island
near China like MS products have I think we will see TS being sold for what
it is really worth.

>There has been discussion here regarding lack of TS support for trading
spreads. I don't trade spreads, so I'm not one to offer comments or advise
and I don't really know exactly what features are required.>>

Thats right you dont know Jack, or you wouldn't be employed by Omega would
you.  I'm surprised that they would hire someone that had such high esteem
as you do of yourself.  I would typically plot the self esteem of all Omega
employees as very low, its obvious that this freedom hiding behind your name
is allowing you to vent that frustration.  Come cry on daddies shoulder
Omega Man  it'll be alright..

>Earl, if you don't know what's in TradeStation (since you don't own it) and
you don't know what's needed to trade spreads, why are you recommending
software to spread traders?

For one thing you and Pete are privy to records of clients,  this smacks of
employment by Omega.   I was also under attack for not owing a TS.  But that
was Bullcrap.  I doubt than many have as many Green Locks in there
possession as I do.  Two of then only are kept currently updated... the rest
I have bought from poor traders that lost their money with trailing stop
systems.  I guess it never occurred to either of you two Omega employees
that Earl might have bought a used TS from me did you?  Heck over twenty on
this list have bought various versions of TS from me for a song, many I was
second and third owner of..so there. MB

>The Omega Man

Mark Brown  TradeLab for the Serious Trader http://www.sciapp.com
BTW, you might want to ask yourself how far the fraud goes. Can you tell
me how Tradestation\DTN wins the award from TASC for best institutional
trading software when it wasn't even available at the time of the survey?
You couldn't even buy\lease it from DTN. I tried! Advertising revenue can
work wonders! Charles Kaucher to John Sweeney     circa 1997 - 199?

>You cry babies feeling the noose tighten?

NO I Think Omega Knows its ass is grass when TradeLab comes out!!!!!