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Re: TL_Easy Language Mathematical Precision

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Peace?  The Warrior King is asking for peace?  Drop your suit and there will
be peace.

Now, let me see if I can say this clearly:  THE REAL-TIME DATA INTERFACE IS

I really don't know how to say this more clearly.  Don't ask me.  Ask all
the other beta testers out there.  Ask your friends at Omega.  Ask the man
on the moon.  I don't care.  I'm telling you how it is - you don't want to
believe me you don't have to.

By the way, you'll only find me in one place on the southern island you
refer to:  Guantanamo Bay!

I have nothing against TradeLab...  I don't know anything about it - I
certainly have no reason to knock it.

I am a know-nothing trader - pure newbie through and through - so don't
listen to anything I have to say.  I don't know anything about programming
either.  I've never been right about anything I've ever said so forget all
of the above and all my previous posts.

The Village Idiot (TM)

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Brown <markbrown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: The Omega Man <editorial@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wednesday, September 23, 1998 9:25 PM
Subject: Re: TL_Easy Language Mathematical Precision

>Ask your programmer friends at Omega this question:  "How easy is it to
store data in any form you want it in?"

Storing the data is not what we need, who cares?  Being able to access the
data real time and paste in data from other sources is what we need.  I'm
sorry but it is this take what we give you attitude that has driven men to
do better and I'm thankful Bob has done so.  Omega could take a lesson from
all this but they refuse to listen.  I can tell from your simple minded post
you are a bit behind the technology needs of the average trader, we are all
moving on without you.  The bells and whistles you often refer to are at
best standard items in all major software packages these days.  In the name
of peace I will admit I'm sure that TS any version will do the kind of
simple studies like Buy On Monday that you could want and I'm happy for you.
But please dont attack us that have more complicated needs, why is it a
crime to want TradeLab?  I can detect pure jealousy on your part, there is
still time for you to liquidate all your Omega stock before TradeLab is
unleashed on the hungry masses that have been starving to death for so

>The Omega Man
>Why don't you join the team and come on in for the big win!

I will not team up with the Devil from an Island I despise..why are you on
this list anyway if you love Omega so much?   I am on the Omega list because
I own Omega products and I want my y2000 patch that was promised.   I
suggest that if you have any personal arguments you take them private with
me and not clutter up such a fine list as this is.   Same for all you Omega