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Re: Everyone (but esp. FutureSource Users): Call/Write Omega (and FutureSource) _NOW_

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>That's why I believe that everyone who uses TradeStation has a stake in
this, and should voice their opinions to Omega, and, especially if they use
FutureSource, should voice their opinions to FutureSource as

Peter,  if Omega would provide the 4.0 y2000 patch like promised. There will
be no problem, they did not exclude any of the TS paltforms in their
promise.  Now will they live up to that promise?  NO!  They wont Omega
thinks that we will all follow the path that they lay out for us like cows
coming at feed time.  We all need to understand something to get somewhere.
Omega is and always will be BILL CRUZ, he is the problem!  Not Omega, we all
like Omega its BILL CRUZ thats the problem.  He is the one who puts his
employees up to defending Omega (Bill's own personal ass).  Bill Cruz is a
madman, and sometimes it takes a madman to deal with a madman.  Thus my role
in all of this,  it would serve all of you well to get a little mad too!  I
know from years of dealing with Cruz that this is the only method that
works!  If any of you have used the nice method and gotten something from
Bill, its because many before you have fought the fight and wore him down.
He does nothing unless he has to!  He will not ever care right from wrong,
money rules and quantity's rule money, NOT QUALITY!

Bill is a slick salesman, he is smooth and speaks well and has all the right
answers that you want to here!  But he performs not because you are like
cattle to him.  The main problem is that some of you trust him, I do not .
Some of you think because of his personality that he is a fine fellow, I do
not.  Some of you are confusing Omega with Bill Cruz, I do not.  Bill Cruz
is the evil one that Omega Man thinks I am!  Look! no one especially me
likes to get on here and kickass all day.  But I'll do it if it will help us
all!  I wish that you passives out there would lend a hand and at the very
least write Bill Cruz a letter and voice your concerns its as easy as
clicking on this link I have provided here for you

We all need to at least ask Bill Cruz to respond himself on our concerns, he
is Omega lets get that strait!   The buck stops with him, if you dont want
to try the jump down his throat method like me at least have the guts to
write him a letter and ask whats the plan?   Tell him specifically if he
doesn't meat your needs then not only will you cease to be a client but you
will spread the word to everyone in the industry!  That is the only thing
that will wake him up..but you have to do it!

Mark Brown