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Re : What the Big Boys think

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Dans un courrier daté du 18/09/98 19:37:49  , vous avez écrit :

 Pierre, you state that TS5 is Y2K compliant. The following system
 demonstrates the Y2K problem in TS4. I think you could put a lot of
 minds at ease if you would test it on TS5 and verify that version 5 of
 EL can indeed handle dates >= 2000.

input: start_d(991231), add_days(1);
var: jul_date(0), greg_date(0);

if d = lastcalcdate and t = lastcalctime then begin
  jul_date = datetojulian(start_d) + add_days;
  greg_date = juliantodate(jul_date);
  print("Start Date",start_d:8:0);
  print("New Julian",jul_date:8:0);
  print("New Date",greg_date:8:0);

Results of adding 1 day (TS4):
  991231 -> 1000101
 1001231 ->  010101
  001231 ->  010101


Good idea, but bad new for the Omega List Magazine projected (cheap ) ad pre-
bashing campaing.

Above  indicator as run in TS5 preview 1:

19/09/98 22:50:08	Start Date  991231	
19/09/98 22:50:08	New Julian   36526	
19/09/98 22:50:08	New Date 1000101	
19/09/98 22:50:08	*****	

Obviously, TS5 is yk2 compliant as announced (date coded on 7 digits), what is
not new to me and should not to other readers of this list that do not delete
my disturbing posts.
Some of them are (sometimes) worth to be read...

