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Open Letter to Bill Cruz and vendors

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Dear brother hateful vendors, I am concerned about the y2000 for the
following reasons.

I build my own real time perpetual futures contracts which means that I have
to blend the current trading contract and the next trading contract out.  In
the US bonds that means.  I have the DEC.98 and the JAN.99 contracts on
right now.   So here I am "actually" using 99 data to actually trade a few
hundred bonds.   I have responsibilities, a fiduciary responsibility to
others than myself.   When you hear the battle cry, its for the good of
mankind, and I'm a kind man but pushed in a corner I'll eat you alive.  That
corner is approaching "fast"!

I have learned from this lesson though,  Bill Cruz's negligence has prepared
me to think about backup plans and seek out/meet software hackers/crackers I
have never known.  He has forced me to get really good and fast about
building web sites and how to use email to rally support against a wrong
doing.  I have learned how to be cautious about vendors claims and system
results of TS that can be misleading.  I have learned the tricks that system
vendors use to promote their crap and how to make sure what is honest and
correct.  I have learned how to state the "facts" of my case against Omega
(which is really still Bill Cruz) and not harp or dwell on the fact that
cultural upbringing has caused them to act and think the way they do.  I
have learned more about Fidel Castrol than I otherwise would have ever
studied about.  I have learned that the internet is the great playing field
leveler, yes better than anything you could ever drag around behind the back
of a truck.
 For this education and cause/effect of learning to play the same game as
you Bill Cruz, I thank you.

Bill, differences aside :  Many have commented on how miniscule the year
2000 fix would be to perform.  Here are some stats provided to me privately
by another concerned user of TS, for you to ponder in between cigars.

How many of us TS4 users are there? 25k....30k??? Even if =everyone=
upgrades to TS5 at $495 a pop,  that's only $15 million. That ain't hay but
it ain't all that much considering the resources they've already expended.
Omega will be toast if they aren't able to sell =lots= of the =$2400=

Given this dilemma of not enough income : Is it wise to cut the very
services that you have built the TS reputation on?   Why have all the data
vendors except BMI/Signal found you so difficult to deal with?   I know that
having a X- Signal employee as the chairman of the board of Omega has
nothing to do with it?   What happened with the love affair of
TS/Futuresource?  and DJ/TS? and SPC/TS?   Wonder why CQG/TS could not be?
So all that aside, I understand that you are not interested in the
professional user of TS.  I understand that you marketing studies show that
the money is in the newbies that come and go like the tide flow on the beach
you live near.  But weather you like it or not, you too! have a
responsibility to existing users of your products.   Why dont you have a
couple of programmers whip out the y2000 patch for 4.0.  Maybe you can keep
some customers that you presently have and increase sales by what we call in
America "word of mouth" sales.  That is you build a good reputation and a
good product and you sell the hell outta em.  You have the product, but I
would suggest that you do your company a favor and step down as leader.
Communist tactics may work in communist countries, but commies dont buy TS.
You have the only a few months left till y2000.   Just do the right thing
and provide a patch to us now!  I am asking for the sake of your company,
your clients and myself - this action can only help you.  In fact why not
accept TS 5.0 upgrade orders now and as a bonus for prepaying give us a 4.0
patch?  While I dont agree to black mail tactics like this, it would at
least give those who would upgrade some relief for the scare you are putting
us all through.  And I might add, it would stop the accelerating sales of
the new 32 bit y2000 compliant MetaStock product.  There have been many
recently who have purchased MS just as a back up.  They are finding each
other and preparing for sharing data archives and indicators and such.   If
you dont do something other than what you have done so far, it would be a
mistake that would not do your product or your customers justice.  <its in
the dictionary just past ethics..

For your continued support I thank you,
Mark Brown
"Make a system that even a fool could use, and only a fool will use
it." -Paul Boye, when asked about macintosh