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Re: TS Running on LINUX? You Bet!

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Subject: Re: TS Running on LINUX? You Bet!

>Hi Mark!

>1) I pointed out my impression, that server and charting module are
communicating about DDE - this not a file sharing problem !

I that about the DDE.  I was then referring to the file sharing between
Linux and NT, not between the TS programs.  I must have been very unclear in
the previous post.

Only mapping drives between different PC should not work. By the way, I
scanned on different installation the system.ini  - as you mentioned - for
lines regarding Omega products but there are no config's regarding Omega
that I could edit.

Yes this should have been the Omega system ini files, not the NT system
files... the remapping has to take place there..like ts.ini  ect..

>2) Installation of different TS modules on different local drives C:, D:,
....is no problem -  local, not network drives ! To get it work, you have to
edit the or_....ini's and omega.ini in the Windows home directory.

"YES" I said earlier I should have referenced that as such..

>3) But, for using such a technique you must have the right application,
designed for that - not Omega TS 4.0 with the Signal server, etc.!  To solve
this problem,  I could imaging, using a special combination/extension like a
server-gateway combination, able for communicating about the network and
able to handle the DDE requests from the TS charting modules. I think, you
have found such kind of solution with the PC Quote Server - congratulation !

Thanks actually TS WILL DO IT ALSO!

>4) I hope, no one followed your proposal deleting all files in the Omega
Dir....... ! Otherwise he will have to spend a lot of time to correct this
mistake and recover his old, working configuration.


>5) The best of your comments and very wise >> This can be either slow or
super fast.... !
>Many Thanks

Thanks for the lesson in communication breakdowns...I'll have to learn to
slowly spell it all out, or better yet just keep my mouth shut next time, I
have something to share that is a step above the elementary level... Mark
makes funny, no? MB