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RE: Starr Report

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>Said could be on the internet as soon as today, reported on CNBC today

At 06:37 AM 9/10/98 -0700, Brian Massey wrote:
>When is the report due to be publicly released?
>With yesterday shaping up as an inside day, I put on a long S&P Wednesday
>afternoon which I planned to run as a position trade. It was going my way
>Wednesday when the trade started to leak and I bailed instantly. Wasn't long
>before the word hit the wires that Starr's vans were ready to dispatch. I
>figure the spoo and currencies are now in the too risky to trade category
>until the markets have digested the report - probably by middle of next week
>at latest. The sooner they get this thing out in public (especially the
>internet), the better. If the report is not that damaging, the president's
>polling numbers will remain up and congress will do what it has to do to get
>past the report. If the report is as damaging as rumored, the president's
>polling numbers will drop like a rock and he will have little choice but to
>head off into the sunset. Unfortunately, campaign finance investigations are
>looming ....
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Robert W Cummings <robertwc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>To: Omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx <Omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
>Date: Wednesday, September 09, 1998 9:31 PM
>Subject: Starr Report
>>Not even trying to start a debate on this or President Clinton. But the Dow
>>fell today according to financial reports that Independent Council Ken
>>Starr sent his report on the President to Congress today. So now I guess we
>>got to be careful trading stuff like the S&P for sharp swings from news
>>leaking out from this report. This will kin da be like Greenspan talking
>>except it will be unscheduled and any news will be bad news at this point.
>>It will either be tomorrow or Friday before the report is released but
>>rumors will not wait that long.