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RE: Programmers from India...

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My friend Franics from India was a good example, another was Srihari.  These
are firsthand accounts from real people in real situations.  Contracting
firms, and full-time companies like Intel that specialize in this pay bare
minimum in this area.  The lure of course are the stock options which work
out if the company does well.  Right now they aren't working out.

Anybody who throws accusations out like this is either an ivory-tower
elitest turned trader who has lost touch with reality or too blinded by his
own hot-head to realize that wages differ geographically.

Your 70K in silicon valley equates to about 50K in the Silicon Forest.  And
individuals with Masters and PHD in CS only get this.

Mangers with at least 2 years of experience get the cherished 70K/year.

There aren't two tier wage scales, there is one and always has been.  But
there is supply and demand.  If the market was left to take care of itself,
like you suggest, wages would be zooming through the roof because some
companies can't find qualified applicants in the US.  To keep wages low (50K
a year is low with a Masters!) they have to go outside the US.  And if they
can get them lower, don't think they'll stop.

I don't even want to talk about how contracting companies rip these people!
Try $10-$16/hr is a "livable" starting salary around here!

Get a clue.

-----Original Message-----
From:	David Fenstemaker [mailto:dfens@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent:	Monday, September 07, 1998 10:05 PM
To:	omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject:	Re: Programmers from India...

The least I have hired an Indian H1 for was 70K, the others
way up from there. This is a racist or socialist
attitude held by those you can't hack it pissed off
by those who can, or want too. Let the market take care of

If anybody making these statements is actually a hiring
manager, they are a liar. In Silicon Valley their are not
2 wage scales. There is one.

Don't confuse that with job scales. A person writing devices
drivers make more than a person doing board bring up in
hardware test engineering. They might both have engineering
degrees, but their skill set is vastly different.

I grew up the rust belt of Ohio, where "Union Men" otherwise
know as Marxists, demanded a "livable wage" of $20 to
sweep a floor. Homer Simpson was a workaholic compared to
them. None of the Steel, rubber, etc exist anymore. They
are now pathetic drunks (and they still can't hold a broom).
