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Re : Religion and trading

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Dans un courrier daté du 06/09/98 13:10:01  , vous avez écrit :

 Pierre, you say you believe in nothing and yet go on to describe you belief
I do not use the word "to believe "under any circumstance of my life.
Only on Omega List Religion and trading postings for sake of clarity
 >Can you have a real proof that God exists beside what's above  ? No again.
 Here is  a rational proof.
 If God doesnot exist
 	then God doesnot exist.
 Then if God doesn't exist (3)
 	then it is God who doesnot exist. (4)
 Therefore, God exists.
Funny, but false.
The above rethoric piece proves that you can give a name (4) to something that
cannot exist (3).
The existence of the name is not the proof of the existence of the supposed

 So much for rationalism.  
 The proof or evidence of religion is when you have faith.  If you do not
 have faith why do expect evidence?  For a trader to have a successful
 system and not follow it is a perfect example who doesnot have faith in the
 system to trade it and therefor, not the evidence in the form of an equity
You confuse faith and ceritude (or high probability).
Faith is necessary to belive (again, it's for you that I use it) because faith
replaces the proofs
Faith is not necessary for a tradig system.
Better is the highest proven probability of success.
 >Can you expect to reproduce any miracle now ? No more.
 I can't wait to hear what you think a miracle is;  you admitting that Omega
Research doesn't have control over software development?
 >Can you expect to see the truth these days where modern technology (video,
 >photography, movies..)could be able to defeat any kind of fairy tale ? No
 >more. Unfortunately, the origin of modern religion is too far in the past to
 >leave a substantial proof of their foundations.
 Yet the scientific community struggles with this very problem. How did the
 universe start and where is it going.  If you want to talk about fairy
 tales let's talk science.  Theories change faster than people selling
 trading systems.
This do not solve the problem posted.
 >Can you admit that if God was existing, why appear 2000 years from now (y2k
 >again!) for chistians, less for muslims, more for buddhist, not to speak of
 >stoneages religions that we do not even  know.
 >But nothing these days. Strange, is it not ? It could be so easy to speak on
 The Clinton News Network has never been authoritative in US.  I merely
 takes polls and reports on those polls and presents it as investigative
Sorry, I was making an effort with CNN as an example .
Lets say : a TV channel.

 >Have you asked to yourself why million of people have the same beliefs than
 >yours regarding God's existence, characteristics, sacred law and books and
 >that million of others have not the same, that all are claiming that they
 >the truth and that it's impossible that so many people could be wrong at the
 >same time on the same thread ?
 There has to be someone to take the other side of the trade?
Trading in this case is called  a religion war.
Otherwise, this market  is  mainly flat. Only bid and ask shown at the TV,
magazines, but no real trades.
 >What is annoying with believers it that they try to convert you to their
 >beliefs.They are alway right because they believe, so if you do not, you are
 for them
 I couldn't agree with you more.  That is why people get so mad at you on
 this list.  You always think you are right.
I know that I'm terrible.
I do not always think that I'm right.
When I am not, I shut up, so you cannot make an opinion on me in this case.
 >They are able to build logical discurse  (like the one I'm responding to),
 but a closer examination shows that it seems to be logical  only at a first
 >The techniques are well known and as old as the world is.
 >They are able to interpret anything and turn irn it to their belief as an
 >Centuries ago, the earth was the center of the universe for the religious
 >people. And flat.
 Yes, and Tradestation is a finely tuned trading platform...  Another
 scientifically held position.
Never said that.
Only that it was not so bad than some said here.
 It is obvious your religious education has been stinted by your French
I started to doubt at the age of 11, and I was not taught about philosophy at
this time.
We still have a lot of people who believe in God in France, despite of their
education (that is neutral from this point of view, catholicism being taught
in all public schools in France, but optional)
 >In a nutshell, "to believe" is incompatible with "to doubt", and also with
 >"to prove".
To believe needs faith and only faith. Proofs are not mandatory.
To be sceptikal needs proofs that you can validate by doubting in any of it,
until all the doubts were removed.
Faith is of no use in this case.
 Pierre, you should stop trying to be God. 
I'm not, because I exist ( at least when writing and sending this!)

 Does obedience really scare that much?
Yes. Really when relying on such things that hurt my rational thinking.
 Then, if you don't believe the system will work, why do you trade it?

I wrote:
In a nutshell, "to believe" is incompatible with "to doubt", and also with
"to prove".
I'll add "for me", but it seemed to me obvious
I have the proof that the system will work . So I do not need to believe in

 Let me guess....your not a trader!
Wrong guess, as explained before in some previous posts.
My systems are traded by someone .

 Pierre Orphelin