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Re: OFF TOPIC -- 666 redux

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It like the paradigm of author Charles Handy on the frog

You put a live frog on a pot of boiling water, it jumps out because of the
sensation. Reacts immediately.

But if you put it in a pot of cool water, and slowly boil the pot,  the
frog won't
notice it (complacence, takes for granted current situation and is not
aware of
what's going on with his worldand surroundings ))
, till its too late and game over, dead.

On the otherhand, ignorance is Bliss!!

We all still got a choice and its consequences.

Charles Wright wrote:

> Dear Friends:
> I just wanted to say thanks for all your feedback about this subject,
> whose immediate relevance to trading may be up for debate.  I realize
> the issue can be controversial, yet the large majority of responses
> were most graceful.
> About the original post, "Cash, Liberty, and Progress," I want to say
> that the interpretations of corporate logos, etc. may seem overly
> dramatic and may even be so.  Yet that wasn't the point at all.
> The point I hoped to make was that it's pretty obvious that for the
> first time in human history, such a marking system isn't just
> possible, it's nearly inevitable and certainly logical(to some)for
> reasons of security, convenience, etc.
> I hope to underscore by the posting the nature of the times we live
> in, that times that fit very much the description of our own are said
> to immediately precede the culmination of history with the return of
> Jesus Christ.
> Jesus said that, in these days, people would say, "where is this
> coming you talk of?  From the beginning of history it has gone on this
> way [paraphrase]" which was one of my favorite arguments before I put
> my trust in Jesus.  It appeals to the natural mind, but, according to
> the claims of Jesus and His followers, it is misguided.  Anyway, even
> an atheist can see that the times we live in are unique  (nukes & mass
> communication, for just two examples).
> So really, my aim was to highlight the very obvious handwriting on the
> wall and allow scripture itself to place it in context for your own
> conclusions.  I wasn't trying to say that Lucent was anything more or
> less than what it is (although I won't deny the possibility).
> Whether you believe in Him or not, God won't leave you without warning
> or excuse.  Yet He always leaves the responsibility of making your
> decisions to you.  He just wants you to have what you need to make an
> informed, conscious decision about your eternal future.
> And the bottom line is this.  If you don't know this already, "All
> have sinned..." just think about it?  Have you sinned?  I know I have.
> So what about that?  Most people say, "if God is so good, He'll
> forgive me."  Yes, He will.  He made provision for forgiveness of your
> sins.  But you must take it.
> If you want to fly to France, you'd have to go to the airport.  That's
> the way things work.  God has a procedure for you to follow to receive
> the free gift of forgiveness.  It's simple, but it's not necessarily
> easy.  It is to put you faith -- you have it already -- to put your
> faith in Jesus.  Believe on Him and you will be saved.  Call on Him by
> name.
> You don't have to take my word for it.  You can read what He said
> yourself in a New Testament bible.  "But man wrote it."  Scripture
> teaches that God inspired man's to write it, the same way he inspires
> me to write this.  A loving God will make sure that you have a way to
> know Him.  If you seek Him, you will find Him.
> He can speak through a donkey, He can speak through the bible.  And
> you can ask Him to show you the truth, in a prayer.  He will answer
> that prayer if you are sincere.
> Many thanks for the polite dissensions as well as for the support.
> Successful trading to you.
> Sincerely,
> CW