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Folks on the Omega List:

A gentleman on this list recently sent me some comments, some of which I'll copy
below, regarding my posts to this list. That didn't bother me--everyone is
entitled to their opinion and when people post things that I don't like or am
not interested in, I simply delete the post and move on. But then he sent me an
email telling me he had added my name to a 'Disney' list: and lo and behold,
junk spam started coming, trumpeting some pyramid scheme.

One of the few things I hold sacred is the right to privacy. This list is a
small community and it's made up of many diverse members. But for the most part,
I think people do a good job of respecting each other. 

I thought about what I would do to this member of the list and though a few
wicked ideas came to mind, I instead decided to just ignore his emails, if
further come, and the junk mail I will now get spammed with because of this
gentleman. But I thought others should know what this person feels about my
posts and what he is capable of doing, if you are someone that posts what you
feel is a relevant comment, but he personally finds off-topic.

So, Peter Kiefer...Step up if you wish and take a swing at me publicly. I feel
the whole list should be made aware of your comments. And maybe they'll all ask
to be put on spam lists. Here's the top of the first comment you sent me: