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I see 666 as a mathematical phenomenon, and a sign of the times...  666 can
be found encoded all over the place.  God knew that we would one day enter
the computer age.  Computers aren't evil, they're just a tool.  In one
sense, 666 being so readily found is a sign of the corruption of the world
and our need for redemption.  If 666 strikes fear and panic into someone or
an unhealthy fascination, then that is bad fruit...
Of course some people mock that it means anything at all.  We are supposed
to be wise and vigilant.  In Revelation (I'm paraphrasing) it mentions that
he who has wisdom can calculate his name..... (I believe that's referring to
the anti-christ).  The Lord wrote Revelations and Daniel and all scripture
for a reason.  And I believe that the Bible Code is valid and fits in to
Gods plan, but I certainly believe that God's words can be misinterpreted.
But we all can seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, who is the comforter
and teacher......
    Jesus said, speaking of endtime events, when u see these things
happening, Look up for your redemption is coming soon.....   Fear is bad
fruit (except the fear/honor/reverence of the Lord)..... so if this stuff
stirs up fear (which is the opposite of faith) then you've got the wrong
perspective...... you haven't put your trust in Christ completely...!
    Before the anti-christ can take control and the mark of the beast can
come into effect, God will deliver those who have trusted in His Son.  Those
left behind will have the book of Revelation to continue to warn them.....
    "God delights in the prosperity of his servant" prosperity and money is
talked more about in the Bible than healing.... more people need $ than
healing; $ is a tool.  Don't love it or base your security on it.  Honor God
with it first of all.  Use it wisely.  I heard a very honorable minister say
that God let him know that God is not against His people having things
(quite the contrary, as long as your aren't greedy & materialistic ! ).  If
His people would seek God's counsel instead of the Wall Street Journal, He
would show them how to prosper.....

God Bless