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RE: Russia - Problem - what problem?

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In a mechanical model it actually works really well going back several
>decades 605 to 70% of the time.  

Okay, proove it!  Where are the system stats?  How has it performed over
the last decade?  You're throwing numbers around without any proof.  At
least Bruce gave us some meat for consumption.

>there seems to be a whole pile of fundamental analysis that supports the
theory as well.  

Again, prove it!  To quote a famous phrase, "where's the beef?"

>As long as YOU don't end up like a piece of terd stuck on the down dip of
the long term chart.

Oh, this is priceless!  If you can't spell insults properly, then how can
anyone trust your analysis. <LOL>

>Money managers are a joke actually when you look at how few of them can
>equal even the market.

I agree with you on this one.  One lemming is much the same as another.
But you have not answered TJ's comment regarding money flows into 401K's
and IRA's...ie, where is that money going if not eventually into stocks?
That money is locked up tighter than a tick on a bull's ass.

>Also tell that to the IMF.  And tell it to Chairman Greenspan and the rest
>of the of the FED  -- and tell it to Congress too. Read his last comments to
>Congress.  Are you saying he is a snake oil salesman too???????? And was to

I would would say yes.  The Fed FU in the 20's and 30's and will FU again.
It's in their nature and self serving interests of the central banks, not
the public interest.  I'm assuming your comments above were a joke, right?
Greenspan and the politicians are the BIGGEST snake oil salesmen out there!
 "Trust me," they say, yeah right.  Clinton and his administration has set
the new "standard" for lying.

>Give us a lesson on the new economic paradigm you are talking about. How
>does that relate to Price Earnings Ratios and how is it new actually? And by
>the way, what does that word paradigm actually mean anyway?

Bruce and TJ talked about it recently.  I guess you missed that one, huh?
And the last I heard, paradigm was in the dictionary, along with "terd"
(sic)  <still LOL>
I have heard and read recently papers and articles by various economists
discussing the relative ineffectiveness of P/E's for stock market valuation
for the new global economy.  Clearly, there is a lot of room for disagreement.

>Can you explain what a fractal similarity is? And have you back-tested it?

Why should he?  You have not backtested Dow theory and presented the
results here, have you?  Besides, why should rigorous backtesting be
applied to a purely empirical observation?

If you want to be an obnoxious, so be it. This list has plenty.  But you
don't need to browbeat listers with whom you disagree just to satify your
need to stroke your inflated ego.  So, please illuminate us with your

-Tony Haas