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Re: Another Indicator Alternative for Axom.Com

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Assume that everyone recognized the indicator I just posted ("Honey Baked")
as being the sine indicator
shown in the chart at  http://www.mesasoftware.com/  (but without the Burg
algorithm calculation - we'll be getting to that...)  If I'm covering
background material that's been covered on this list previously, please let
me know and we'll cut to the chase....

By the way, if there are other indicators out there that you'd like The
Omega Man to reverse engineer, just send me a URL where I can look at a
chart with the indicator and some price data....  we'll see if we can't save
you some cash.

All the best,

The Omega Man

No one has the right to stop you.

-----Original Message-----
From: The Omega Man (TM) <editorial@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Robert W. Cummings <robertwc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Phil
<rhodes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Lynn <MRLYNNG@xxxxxxx>; John <joachim@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Omega List <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sunday, August 30, 1998 1:27 PM
Subject: Another Indicator Alternative for Axom.Com

Here's one more alternative to the indicator posted at
http://www.axom.com/commodities  .  This is one that we'll develop further,
in future postings:

First, create a User Function (call this one "HonyBake") as follows:




For J=0 to HamLen-1 Begin
If HamLen<>0 Then Begin

If AbsValue(RealHam) > .001 Then Begin
Else Begin

If RealHam<0 then P = P+180;
If P<0 then P=P+360;
If P>360 then P=P-360;

Next, create the indicator "Honey Baked" as follows:

Input: HamLen(20), Price(TypicalPrice), P1Adv(0), P2Adv(15),SmooLen(10);

Vars:  Spiral(0);

Spiral = HonyBake(HamLen,Price);

Plot1(50+50*Average(Sine(Spiral + P1Adv),SmooLen),"Honey Baked");
{Plot2(50+50*Average(Sine(Spiral + P1Adv + P2Adv),SmooLen),"Hon Baked +");}

As you'll notice, the code for Plot 2 is commented out.  Feel free to remove
the braces on this plot and re-insert the indicator after you've gotten a
feel for Plot 1 by itself.  As usual, you Sultans of Smooth out there may
adjust SmooLen to suit your needs.  Or (what's this?) replace the price
input with some sort of calculated (variable length) function of price....

All the best,

The Omega Man

So I walked upon high,
and I stepped to the edge,
to see my world below.

And I laughed to myself,
while the tears rolled down,
'cause it's the world I built.

The world I built.