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S&P 500 Daytrading system a la RJP

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sounds worthwhile:  that rate will generate over $7,000,000 in five
years net profit... discounted at 25% (fairly high discount rate due to
inherent risk in commodity trading) would resuld in present value of
around  $476,500.  a price of around $50,000 to 100,000 would generate a
fair return to the  user or on a lease basis, a fair royalty of 3/16 to
35% would equate to other sure things, such as mineral mining, petroleum
products.  Of course if there are guaranties of a monthly average over
each quarter, the user will probably find it even more valuable.  you
will probable want the user to  use you or your designee as his sole
broker for you to control your royalty.  your test during the 35 days
past was during a slightly elevated volatility period, so you may also
wish to include in your warranty to pay the user the difference in
actual profits and your warranted level.  more importantly, be sure to
only convey actual instructions to the user via personal or group
seminars for which you can charge a nice fee... preferably held at a
nice resort area.  the users of such indicators & systems typically do
not find them vary useful without such a hands-on class, because manual
examples sometimes are selected from perfect profitible patterns which
may not ever recur in real time.  Please send to us list members
information on your optimization results, because most of us really dig
curve-fitting which, as we all know, greatly improves profits.

We hope to get the details & ordering instruction at an early date so
that we can each generate our very own $7,148,571.43 during the next
five years.

yours truly
preston morrow

         S&P 500 Daytrading system
         Fri, 28 Aug 1998 09:20:14 -0700
         "RJP" <jessing@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
         "Omega List" <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>

I have 18 different S&P 500 day and short-term trading systems all of
are 100% mechanical and developed using proprietary software which is
more powerful than TS( TS is used only to display the data and signals
only the systems that use the close as entry points). My  best and most
active system generated 86 points yesterday and has been averaging about
$4000 per day per contract with 77% winning trades, 6.7:1 risk reward
and a
$2345 drawdown  and $139000 in profits in the last 35 days (results are
little above the 7300 test sample due to recent volatility)!! Average
risk is dictated by the market and is no more than 3 points about 95% of
time. No fixed stops or profit objectives are used as those systems that
them are more likely to fail a correctly conducted testing procedure.
trades have a 100% probability of making 3 points in profit before the
retracing 2 points...

How much is a system like this worth to institutions or to public on a
leases or purchase fee basis?

How much would you be willing to pay for this?

In search of the Holy Grail.....