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Don't you Wish

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Trading Reference Links

Sorry, my arrow missed might have missed its mark.  I got messages from
people who were worried that I was talking about them.  

All those who replied to me, I was not referring to you.  You are the
considerate people and I have no complaints about you at all.

Let me rephrase, the people who hit reply and don't edit the messages
that they are replying to or the  replies that their replies were
replying to. Those are the people that I am replying to.  This
especially refers to people who say something like " I agree completely
" and then have the whole previous message listed below.

These messages can and should go private.

In terms of trading:
1)  DeMark's Sequential is a good place to start and it seems to work
in 	all periods.  
2)  For trend following, open vs. close and which end of the range they 
are in.  In terms of indicators, I use a combined stochastic of 	40
periods * .67 and 14 periods * .34 .(Yes, I know it adds up to 	more
than 1) (DUH)

There is more, but I am not going to deposit the money in everybodies
