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Re: Deflation Myth

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Sounds like a conspiracy (new world order ) theory . If was true before, hope
its not
true today. You know, that well organized.

LCranston wrote:

> To All:
> Putting aside economics, supply/demand and all of the masinations
> regarding this subject there is one element of this equattion that seems
> to have been overlooked here.
> In 1756 Baron Rothchild said "If I can control a countries money I can
> control the country."  J. P. Morgan made the same claim in 1907 and we
> had our first mini-depression.  It wasn't the first, but one of the
> biggest salvos that the big bankers sent to this nation stating that this
> country needed a central bank in order to stabalize the currency and the
> economy.  Six years later we got the Federal Reserve Bank (not a federal
> organization), but a privately held banking corporation.  Ownership is
> 52% Rothchild (London-Bank of England), 8% Amsterdam & Hamburg Warburg
> (Germany), 8% Rothchild (France), 8% Moses Isreal Sief (Italy), 8%
> Goldman Sachs (U.S.), 6% Lehman Brothers (U.S.), 6% Rockfeller (U.S.), 6%
> Kuehn Loeb (U.S.).
> Prior to the establishment of the FR the money in our pockets were
> Treasury Notes and there was no interest attached to the note.  Since
> 1913 we now have Federal Reserve Notes which have interest attached to
> them for which each individual pays to the FR.  That is the way we got
> our 30 years bond for which you and I pay interest (the national debt).
> For example if the government needs to borrow one million dollars they
> ask the FR for the money.  The FR in turn asks the government for one
> million dollars in bonds (interest bearing of course).  To the FR it's
> only an entry in a ledger, no money was really created just the ledger
> entry.  Something for nothing.  The U.S. government now has to repay that
> $1 million dollars plus the interest back to the FR.  Now just who do you
> think gets that interest?
> In 1913 this country was in debt to the tune of only $80 million.  Since
> the FR has so graciously taken on the task of stabalizing our currency,
> the economy as well as supporting other countries money with our dollars,
> I guess we should all feel grateful.  Then why do I feel that my pocket
> has been picked?
> If you want to know more about this rape of our monetary system you might
> like to read; Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustice Mullins.  It
> gives a very thorough and detailed explanation of the events leading up
> to and the establishment of the Federal Reserve.
> Lamont Cranston