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Re: Omega Research - Response to the Year 2000 Issue

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Oh, you mean "white trash rigging" (see how that feels?).  Or maybe a jury
rig.  The phrase is certainly a notch above bad taste, offensive to most;
whether it was not meant to be racial, this is 1998, let's live in the
culture we've got, not the past.  And today, your phrase IS racial.

George Van Noy
-----Original Message-----

>Michael Harris wrote:
>> TO: Randy Barlow
>> Not being an Afro-American, I am unfamiliar with the term "Afro-American
>> rigging."  If it is a racist expression, I would greatly appreciate your
>> keeping such language to yourself.
>While the wording may have been in bad taste, it is not meant to be
>racial.  It is, for us old timers, just a way of saying:  Fixing
>something with a temporary means (i.e. tape, wire, etc), which will
>still require the correct fix in the future,  instead of fixing it
>correctly and permantly now.
>                                          Randy