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RE: Jon Schiller's book "The 100% Return Options Strategy"

  • To: "Omega-List" <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: RE: Jon Schiller's book "The 100% Return Options Strategy"
  • From: "Tom Teitsworth" <teits@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 18 Jun 1998 14:28:10 -0700

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Subject: Jon Schiller's book "The 100% Return Options Strategy"

Has anyone else read this book?  I got my copy from Windsor
Books, for about $55.  I would like to exchange opinions
with other purchasers/readers by email.


I used to do a lot of this type of trading. I bought Schiller's
first book when it came out since it basically covered the type
of trading I had been doing for some time. I remember thinking as
I read it that there was the chance of a novice setting up some of
those uncovered strangles and actually believing that 9 out of 10
would be winners. Trading like that can be high stress when the
heat is on... If this new book advocates buying contracts further
out for protection, that sounds like a good idea for safety.  

Tom T.