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Results - S&P Tick Counts

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Here are the results on the S&P tick-count survey.

First, I would expect that everyone using the same data vendor and
delivery mode would get the same number of ticks.  The fact that your
data show a wide deviation indicates that some of you may be missing
data possibly because of a combination of:  huge portfolios, slow I/O
ports, very CPU-intensive indicators/systems, and slow CPUs.  Following
are the counts for May 6:

CME . . . . . 4911
Highest . . . 4895   Pierre Orphelin, Comstock satellite, France
Lowest .. . . 4621   BMI satellite, Chicago

BMI satellite was by far the most prevalent vendor & mode reported, with
7 reports for May 6.  The highest BMI-sat count was 4892 (4 reports) and
one report each of 4835, 4785, and 4621.

There were only two BMI cable reports:  4890, & 4731

One Signal cable report (mine):  4836

"DBC" satellite, Hans Esser:  4765

Summary - May 6:

CME  . . . . 4911
Comstock sat 4895
BMI sat  . . 4892 (4 repts), 4835, 4785, 4621
BMI cable. . 4890, 4731
Sig cable. . 4836
"DBC" sat. . 4765

Summary - May 7:

CME  . . . . 4441
BMI sat  . . 4433, 4428, 4368, 4366, 4341
BMI cable. . 4432, 4427, 4272
Sig cable. . 4375

The complete lowdown on the two CME files will be forthcoming as soon as
I get a report back from my contact at the CME.

Carroll Slemaker

PS - Is there anyone else out there on Signal cable???