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Hashnums question

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Back a bit I was interested in using Hashnums to transfer data between
computers on a network, and got the demo to try it out.  I could not seem
to make it work over the network, and since it would be slow to use files
for the data transfer, found another solution. 

Recently, I again tried to use Hashnums to simply transfer numbers from
one TS page / study to another, as simple global variables.  I was looking
for a quick fix to a problem, and this seemed likely.  Again, I seem to be
unable to make Hashnums work.  I contacted Inv. Eng. about it but have not
received a response, so I thought I'd ask here. 

Are any of you folks using Hashnums?  Does it transfer #'s between studies
OK? Anyone used it simultaneously with TS and external programs, such as
custom VB code? Anyone use it with multiple user DLL's (I use 2)?

Anyone know of a global variables add-on with perhaps fewer problems?

The TS code is shown below - (Win95, TS4, K6 machine) -
inputs: 	MY(1) ; 
	t1(0), t2(0) , PutOK (0) 
if CurrentBar = 1 then Begin
  DefineDllFunc: "c:\TSadds\hashnums.dll" , INT,  "putAt", LPSTR, LPSTR,
t1 = 1127 ; 
t2 = 1128 ; 
PutOK = putAt ("Global", "Wk1Hi" , 48  ) ; 
IF  PutOK  = 1 then
         print("Put Error", PutOK );


Plot1( t1 , "MY1" ); 

This gives a "Put error".  I've tried several variations and arrangements
in the code, but so far, no 'put'.  I can write to the DLL OK using the
Hashnums demo pgm, and I can "get" these values from another simple plot
study.  It's just the "put" that does not seem to work. 

Given the problems I've had with Hashnums so far, I'd like to make sure it 
works before buying it.
Any suggestions or help much appreciated....

Larry Wright