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I have received 4 solicitations(2 within the last 2 weeks) regarding
OmegaWorld Conference and I have a distinct impression that it will fall far
short of expectations.
They offerred me $50 off the $895 registration fee. Give me a F__ing break,
you give discounts to early registrants not straglers ,as if $50 will cause
you to say oh yeah now I'm gonna go!!!
Another great Marketing Miracle in action!
-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Savant <the_savant@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx <omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thursday, April 16, 1998 2:25 PM
Subject: EarthQuake at OmegaWorld repost from the ATI list
>If you are a person who has observed the stock market in recent years
>going straight up through the roof and have not yet participated in this
>phenomenal event; then you may want to consider a word of advice before
>jumping head long into chasing this market. In the past 5 to 10 years
>if you have not already been saving some money along the way; I would
>caution you that buying a trade station and going to Omega World
>Conference is not going to make up for your financial dilemma.
>Neal Weintraub called me today, and we discussed many subjects at great
>length. Neal recently interviewed me for a new book that is being
>published by McGraw Hill. Tentatively, the name of the book will be
>"Trading Chicago Style". In the course of our lengthy conversations,
>(via internet), Neal began to learn more about my campaign against the
>wrongs done to the general public by Omega. He found that once he
>peeled back my rough exterior, there was a genuine concern for the lambs
>being led to the slaughter each and every day by the scam artist in this
>industry. I have given Neal several other people to talk to that
>verified the bugs in the software of Omega, but also fell victim to
>their boiler room type marketing techniques. Neal has been doing some
>investigative research into my claims and others.
> I believe Neal to be of great moral standards, and would never
>jeopardize his good standing as a professionally paid college credited
>teacher for the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. It is for this reason,
>that Neil announced to me today, loud and clear, in protest of the
>upcoming "Wally World " (oops), Omega World, that he would not be
>speaking . He went on to describe to me a recent brochure which
>depicts Larry Williams holding a machine gun and portraying himself as
>the modern day Clyde Barrow (of Bonnie and Clyde Fame). Who in this
>industry, that is a real professional, would want to be catagorized in
>the same company as these so called industry experts appearing at Omega
>World? We, in the industry need to portray an image that is totally
>opposite of a bank robber and a murderer. In light of the recent
>Arkansas incident, we need to make a better impression on the young
>people of this country who may want to pursue a career in the trading
> Neal commented to me; "At Omega World you will not find speaking:
> a. one speaker who owns an exchange seat,
> b. one major institutional representative from any of the
>major brokerage houses,
> c. one institutional level professional futures trader. "
> "What you will find are:
> a. ex-Omega employees,
> b. some commission hungry brokers,
> c. some old worn out so called industry experts
> d. a couple of magazine publishers."
>Neal and I will be working together to bring some honesty and
>responsibility back in to this industry, and to expose the truth about
>the fraudulent claims of get rich quick con-artist that are out there.
>We are putting out a call to all legitimate industry experts to join
>with us in our campaign. I may be appearing at the upcomming Futures
>West with Neal. Not to push his products or mine but to answer the
>questions the public needs to know about these scam artist , their
>systems and their software and how they do what they do. I have
>developed and picked apart systems through the years and my trading is
>to the point where I can afford or rather I can not afford for the
>public to continually be taken to the cleaners. We all need someone on
>the other side of the trade, with the same position size as us. Else we
>have no markets!
>In the mean time, Neal Weintraub will be more than happy to answer any
>questions or comments that anyone may have. If anyone has any questions
>concerning the details of why Neal Weintraub is now speaking and taking
>a stance against Omega and their new marketing operation "Omega World"
>he will be more than happy to answer in greater detail any request of
>Thank you,
>Mark Brown
>Mail Neal Weintraub at mailto:nweintraub@xxxxxxxxxx
>Neals web site address http://www.nealweintraub.com