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If you are a person who has observed the stock market in recent years
going straight up through the roof and have not yet participated in this
phenomenal event; then you may want to consider a word of advice before
jumping head long into chasing this market. In the past 5 to 10 years
if you have not already been saving some money along the way; I would
caution you that buying a trade station and going to Omega World
Conference is not going to make up for your financial dilemma.
Neal Weintraub called me today, and we discussed many subjects at great
length. Neal recently interviewed me for a new book that is being
published by McGraw Hill. Tentatively, the name of the book will be
"Trading Chicago Style". In the course of our lengthy conversations,
(via internet), Neal began to learn more about my campaign against the
wrongs done to the general public by Omega. He found that once he
peeled back my rough exterior, there was a genuine concern for the lambs
being led to the slaughter each and every day by the scam artist in this
industry. I have given Neal several other people to talk to that
verified the bugs in the software of Omega, but also fell victim to
their boiler room type marketing techniques. Neal has been doing some
investigative research into my claims and others.
I believe Neal to be of great moral standards, and would never
jeopardize his good standing as a professionally paid college credited
teacher for the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. It is for this reason,
that Neil announced to me today, loud and clear, in protest of the
upcoming "Wally World " (oops), Omega World, that he would not be
speaking . He went on to describe to me a recent brochure which
depicts Larry Williams holding a machine gun and portraying himself as
the modern day Clyde Barrow (of Bonnie and Clyde Fame). Who in this
industry, that is a real professional, would want to be catagorized in
the same company as these so called industry experts appearing at Omega
World? We, in the industry need to portray an image that is totally
opposite of a bank robber and a murderer. In light of the recent
Arkansas incident, we need to make a better impression on the young
people of this country who may want to pursue a career in the trading
Neal commented to me; "At Omega World you will not find speaking:
a. one speaker who owns an exchange seat,
b. one major institutional representative from any of the
major brokerage houses,
c. one institutional level professional futures trader. "
"What you will find are:
a. ex-Omega employees,
b. some commission hungry brokers,
c. some old worn out so called industry experts
d. a couple of magazine publishers."
Neal and I will be working together to bring some honesty and
responsibility back in to this industry, and to expose the truth about
the fraudulent claims of get rich quick con-artist that are out there.
We are putting out a call to all legitimate industry experts to join
with us in our campaign. I may be appearing at the upcomming Futures
West with Neal. Not to push his products or mine but to answer the
questions the public needs to know about these scam artist , their
systems and their software and how they do what they do. I have
developed and picked apart systems through the years and my trading is
to the point where I can afford or rather I can not afford for the
public to continually be taken to the cleaners. We all need someone on
the other side of the trade, with the same position size as us. Else we
have no markets!
In the mean time, Neal Weintraub will be more than happy to answer any
questions or comments that anyone may have. If anyone has any questions
concerning the details of why Neal Weintraub is now speaking and taking
a stance against Omega and their new marketing operation "Omega World"
he will be more than happy to answer in greater detail any request of
Thank you,
Mark Brown
Mail Neal Weintraub at mailto:nweintraub@xxxxxxxxxx
Neals web site address http://www.nealweintraub.com