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Re: Realtime Trading - COX the FOX

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> We might not win everyday, but we do not have losing weeks,
> nor losing months.

......do you have loosing years ?

I dont understand, why do you still bother with this ads, if you 
make tons of money trading your stuff since years ? - I really cant 
understand the motivation behind that ?

BTW just a few months you promised us to live in peace - forgot it ?

rgds hans

> Date:          Fri, 05 Dec 1997 01:09:41
> To:            Omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
> From:          "Jim Cox" <cayenne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject:       last 90%(Final comment)

> Ok jerks,
> 	I give up. I wrote a post on Monday to try and state some views
> (after four and 1/2 years trading as a pro). Thought I had something
> to contribute.
> 	You idiots flamed me...and flamed me bad. The CFTC started
> investigating me over a year ago, because I was one of the first
> people to promote software for TS on the Internet and not in Futures
> magazine. They were looking for a scapegoat. They never had any
> complaints. They got their court order because I originally refused
> to divulge any of my customer's names. I didn't think my clients
> needed to be bothered.
> 	They have never received a complaint re: the validity of Bullseye.
> They have the software on their TradeStation in Washington. There
> has not been a complaint filed and they have now interviewed a
> majority of my customers. OK? And I am not writing this from Club
> Fed.
> 	As you all know, there are probably 30 or 40 ads in Futures every
> month for trading systems. They are there every month. Most of you
> get mailers for systems every week. OK? Right?I haven't promoted
> Bullseye on this list since last year. And I didn't promote it this
> week.
> 	Bullseye is an RSI? Hardly. Part of it is (a small part), but in a
> unique way and not as an overbought/oversold indicator. Bullseye
> includes 17 indicators, 4 paintbars, and 3 systems. Hardly an RSI. I
> sincerely take that remark as an insult to me and Bullseye. The
> Bullseye Indicators continue to call winning trades everyday. You
> want proof? I'll fax you a chart.
> 	So Michael P says I'm selling hope. Oops. Excuse me for exercising
> free speech. Guess I should tell all you newbies that you WILL lose,
> that your investement in TradeStation was a mistake, and please go
> back and try and make a legitimate living. Don't call me, don't buy
> Bullseye or any other system. Just close your account, and buy some
> mutual fund.
> 	Does that satisfy you naysayers and flamers? You people make me
> sick. No wonder you all lose. 
> 	Everyday since February 1996 I have had a live channel on the
> internet where I have answered my customer's questions and talked
> about most of my realtime trades. I know of no other software person
> who has ever done that, realtime. Ever.
> 	So if you jerks want to continue to flame me, fine. I just thought
> I could contibute something to the list. Guess I was wrong on that
> count. Wasn't selling a damn thing. 
> 	BTW, Charles K, I'm the one who made you sheriff in the first
> place. Remember?
> 	Me and Bullseye are outa here!
> But...here's an ad...so be aware:
> 			"Bullseye Tells the Truth"r
> The charts don't lie.
> 30

....and bear in mind 
that high reward does not come without its partner high risk !