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Re : WARNING:Omega bitching VIRUS strikes again

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Dans un courrier daté du 02/04/98 16:57:15  , Earl Adamy écrit :

 The fact that I continue to use Omega's software in spite of the company's
 performance and attitude is not a testament to Omega but rather a testament
 the absence of competition and the fact that I wish to continue trading. Yes,
 Mr. Orphelin, I trade for a living and I don't appreciate having to waste
 on problems. When I have a viable alternative to Omega products, I will be be
 ex-Omega user.


My point is that the trailing stop problem is was and will be an understanding
problem of how the software works and in any case it's not a bug.

The OHLC tick order information is not included in the four values of a bar
chart, and the bouncing tick feature that applies to any system is explained
in the manual.

The bouncing tick is a feature that you can turn off if you want.
Not understanding how TS places the orders for the nextbar, using the bouncing
ticks or not and claiming after thatt is a bug or a lack of warning is not the

The bouncing ticks is an approximation developped by Omega to simulate a
complex situation.
It has never said that it will produce the same results than would do a
realtime tick by tick data serie.
This is an approximation , with obvious pitfalls that are due to the lack of
information inthe data serie.
You can test the trailing stop as they exactly will happen by rewriing it in
EL and use intraday data for simulation.

I do not want again to copy and paste it here the text that most of people
claiming about this bug do not want to read and understand.
 Furhter, I contribute more to this list than criticism of Omega, including
 frequent assists with EL coding. Personally, I find your constant and
 unrelenting defense of Omega's poorly debugged software and inadequate
 documentation offensive. I find it doubly so because you are a vendor.

You are dead wrong.
A close reasearch on Omega List during past three years will show you that I
have greatly contributed in EL coding too, starting even on the late aol Omega

Most of my inital work here was to debug the so called famous "omegabug.doc"
file by Phil York.
In fact, I defend Omega when they are under unfair attacks.
The fact that I'm a vendor has nothing to do with this.
Do you believe that in France, anybody is readngthis list and will dusregard
any TS sale from me because of this ?

For the moment, I have never been proved here to be wrong in my defense of
Never, do you read me ?
Because I test and explain what I do, why something is wrong if it is and what
could be done to fix something.
I have spent 15 years to teach physics and chemistry.
I know how to find errors in any logical or so called construction, believe

I may understand that I can be annoying by my insistance, but I do not care.
People prove to be wrong usually react as you do, because of their hurt ego.
This do not change anything to the fact hat what was false before stays false

 >I have always been amazed that the biggest country in the world was
 >so poor with logic and education, and so much with legal suits:
 Finally, I find your attack on my country offensive. Where in hell the French
 get off thinking of themselves as fit to judge the rest of the world is
 me. My country seems to be doing quite well thank you.

It was an allusion to some common behaviour, and calling for lawsuits against
Omega is the new coqueluche here.
I do not remember if you participated to this one, and it's not the bottom

Here in France we have the same amount of stupid people than anywhere.
We are not better or worse than everyone.
The excess of licitation also appears here, and we are not immune to this, but
not (yet) at the same level.

Probability is high that a stupid french guy also attempted to dry a cat in a
french microwave owen.
At this point, in France, he would have been seriously sentenced for cruel
behaviour against animals and would also be pursued by the SPA (Societe
protectrice des animaux), and condemmned to pay some money TO the SPA..
A lawsuit against the microwave owen maker would never hit the target in this
case, and I believe that the maker could even try to get some money from the
stupid user for attempting to earn illegal money with the rejected lawsuit.
This Court is not located on Mars...and I do not have a flying saucer.

After all, I never started to speak of lawsuit against Omega. How many times
this topic appeared on this list ? Who started this ? Me ?
So, enough is enough, and the poor cat story was a good example to bring back
some logic in this list where too much  few frustrated people take most of the

For ending, a lawyer has two choices: specialize in attack or defense.
Any lawsuit need both advocates for a loyal debate.
Let me say that I'm proud to choose the other side and do not shout with the
wolf posse.


Pierre Orphelin

Important Warning:
The above site contains free evaluation material for your TradeStation, and
maybe not well suited for your microwave and pets.