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Re: Data Transfer

PureBytes Links

Trading Reference Links

Message text written by INTERNET:omega-list@xxxxxxxxxx
Your simplest solution is to get two Ethernet cards (NICs) at your local
computer store and a cable to connect them.  A basic card for a desktop is
$30 to $40 and somewhat more for a PCMCIA card if you're also running a
You'll also need to set up the Win networking on each computer but the Help
facility has install and troubleshooting procedures that are pretty good--
or you can get your local nerd to do it for you for a modest fee.  
Once it's set up, you'll have 10 Megabit per second transfer between your
computers via the Win-Explorer program.  You can also link several machines
this way.  
For basic machine-to-machine communication and transfers, it leaves Zip
Drives, serial links,  and other external types in the dust...

This approach does work, as I just completed doing it.  I networked
together 2 desktops and 1 laptop.

However, this was not an easy task.

One machine already had all the IRQ's in use.

One machine has Win95B installed on it.  Altho many things about this
release are much improved, it is very intolerant of any mistakes during a
hardware install.  In fact if you make a mistake, you are SOL unless you
know how to edit the REGISTRY.

All done and said, I would say I have about 20 hours invested.

My reccomendation is if you have only 2 machines, buy the special parallel
port cable and use direct cable connect.  It works well and is pretty
straight forward.
