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The "Atom" said:

> Sure would be nice to concentrate on the origin and proliferation of that
> as much as most have and will continue to concentrate their attentions to
> systems and market patterns, wouldn't it?
> Who knows, it may just take exercising it to make it bigger and stronger,
> without even knowing what or where it is. Just like any mental skill or
> muscle, use it or loose it.
> Do you think a pro-gambler has this in his toolkit?
> As you say, it could be a costly exercise unless it is done with
> "paper-trading".
> See U
> ATom

Hi aTom -

Interesting ponders -

I've always thought intuition to be kinda a synonym for the word
"subconcious".  And...the definition of "subconcious activity" is simply
doing something in an automatic way learned by accumulated knowledge.
(driving a car, playing the piano, talking, walking, screwing)

THAT, I believe, is what intuition really is....a deep, accumulated
knowledge of a specific area. 

Not magic, telepathy,  physic ability or any of that foolish crap.
HELLO? Yeah, you got the Option Psychic Hotline here -

Anyway -
Take for an example an experienced policeman. If he and I were sitting in a
room and someone else walked in that had hidden intentions of harming
somebody, I'll bet the cop would pick these cues up, whereas it would blow
right by me.  This is simply 'cuz the cop has spent his life looking for
trouble and reading people, etc. They would say he "intuitively" picked it

As for trading...in my personal case, I've watched a 1 minute and 15 minute
S&P screen in real time almost every trading day since 1992. (Get a life,
Tom)  It's not every time, and I do get slammed at times,  <g>  but often
when the market panics in one direction, I can "feel" the turning point to
the exact minute. But actually taking these  trades takes balls, and that's
where I need more work lately.  

But in summary, show me someone that is good at something, and I'll show
you someone who has spent a lot of his life doing that same thing...and
I'll  probably say he is now intuitive doing it.

In the past I've experimented with ways to try to improve general intuition
with mixed results...but....another subject for another time.

More Later, 

Tom Cathey