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Re: ENOUGH! -on Omega Licenses

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Chris Norrie wrote:
> It amzes me how many people come out of the woodwork with theories on
> what this list is meant to do.  Some of these peope I have never even
> seen on the list before!  Some people think we should be helping each
> other make money.  To tell you the truth, I'm trying to take your money!

To those who want to confine this list to their limited visions I say

> I don't think anyone here who has a fully quatifiable system that makes
> money for them is willing to give it away on this list to help those who
> have such theories on the purpose of this list.  

Not so, Not so. There have been posts of the code for very successful
to this list. I bet not one in ten people know what's what. Or could
trade them.
For those who wish to go back thru the old lists these things are there
for the

> However, many are still
> willing to discuss strategies they use, help people with EL (and even post
> their signals - yee-ouch, that's a hot one!)  I've occassionally helped
> with EL questions, discussed trading ideas.  I'll even tell you about the
> essence of the trading system I'm using that is making money - possibly
> from you.

Yep, I've seen your good deeds and I for one am appreciative. I too have
freely, all be it not in the open on the list for I've caught to much
flak for
being an old Omega basher that was shoulder to shoulder in the trenches
with Mr.
Brown for many years trying to get Omega to improve TradeStation. Some
of what
people can see today in TS 4.0 is due to those efforts. And anybody else
that is 
an unknown basher and has relentlessly complained to Omega to get bugs
fixed,etc. I
give you kudo's as well.

> Many of those that do help on this list also post comments regarding Y2K,
> the license agreement and so on.  And you jump down their throat for not
> doing want you think this list should be doing.  They're the only ones
> doing anything useful in the first place.  Let them be.

Again, forget'em Chris. They are the whiners in life. Forever,
supporting the
forces that hurt them and opposing the voices of reason and freedom. You
change them because they know it all and want to make loud noises and be
and self glorious.  Forget'em and keep truck'in.

> Chris Norrie
> > O.K., People! We have all read and re-read and re-read and re-read
> > (get the point?) all those posts about Omega's licensing policy versus
> > the gentleman desiring to sell his TS. I sure hope we are now done with
> > this, having received a reply from Omega explaining their policy. If we
> > count the collective total hours we all wasted, think how much more
> > precious time we could have spent on writing or fixing or testing
> > programs and systems. After all, isn't it what this list is all about?
> > We all have problems and complaints with Omega's TS, but the last time
> > I checked, it was still the best package in town! So, please, fellow
> > Traders, Programmers, and Geeks, lets get down to the real business of
> > helping each other with trading and systems developing and testing
> > and MAKING MONEY!                         --Lou