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Re Is there an NA function in Easy Language?

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Dans un courrier daté du 24/02/98 23:30:27  , vous avez écrit :

 I think the way you would have to do what you want is to put the 'IF' in
 of the entire plot statement.  The other thing you would have to do is use a
 'line style' of a point or a cross, but not a line.  This way if there is no
 plot there would be nothing on the bar you choose.  With a style of 'line'
 (connected), the value from the last bar would connect to the next bar,
 the appearance of a value on all bars.
 Hope this helps.


One way to avoid plotting foe a normalized indicator is to set the value to
the min or max and use cross, points or histobars (if you set the non plotted
value to 0).

An other tricky solution is to store the latest available value (allowed)  to
plot and do a backward plot of the considered value.
Means that you need to count how many bars occured (say "num") since the last
non plot bvalue, then plot the [same] value as follows

where :
value1=what you want.
num=num+1 as long as the plot anything values is true.
When it becomes false (plot allowed), reset num to 0, so the plot comes again
on the currentbar.

This method should work for price plot (impossible to reset to 0 wityhoiut
modifying scaling )as well as for oscillators and the like.

Of course, you seed to avoid to use 'line" as a plotting option


Pierre Orphelin.
Since I have bought TradeStation, I did not find time to trade.
But now, I know how to use it <g>


 John Sweeney S&C wrote:
 > I want to say
 > Plot1(iff(RngUp,highest(close,shorttrm),don't plot anything),"Range");
 > but don't find a "don't plot anything" function in the Easy Lanuage manual.
 > Is there such a thing?