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Re : Wishfull thinking !?

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Dans un courrier daté du 22/02/98 00:06:04  , vous avez écrit :

<<  seem to remember a note posted here recently to the effect that Day Trader
 Pro (with EL language compatibility) is scheduled for release 3Q98. Omega
 has indicated their next round of product upgrades will be out 2Q98, however
 there are indications that the beta schedule is slipping. It may well be 6
 to 12 months before one or both products will be available. If there are
 products which are stable and reliable the day they are released to the
 public, I haven't found them - certainly not from Omega. So allow another 3
 months (conservative) for shakedown before you want to bet your trading
 income on TS5/SC5 or DTP.

No proof . Pure Guess. You are not an Omega developer, so why all of this ?
They were working on TS5 when I visited them 10 months ago, and I have seen
the product from far at this time.
I doubt that they will  release the final version within  a such supposed

 Bottom line: it's going to be another year or so (1Q-2Q of 99) before there
 are _proven_ alternatives (Omega or competitor) to the products we are
 using now! Omega has indicated that they'll do the Y2K fix for the current
 releases after the new release is out. Allowing another 3 months for these
 "patches" (which I suspect will be rather invasive of the old code base),
 it would not be unreasonable to expect that the Y2K fixes won't be
 available and reliable until early (optimistic) to mid 1999.

Earl, tu me casse les oreilles avec ton problème de l'an 2000...
1000 ans avant, tes ancêtres prédisaient le même genre catastrophes.
Et la terre tourne toujours... 
 In the meantime, Omega appears to have virtually ceased maintenance efforts
 on the products which we are now using, and will continue to use, for the
 next year - plus or minus. I don't know about the rest of you, but I see a
 big hole in this picture! I'm not concerned with the next round of product
 releases by Omega or its competitors, I want the bugs fixed in the product
it until sometime in 1999
 to be assured that my trading platform isn't going to die on 12/31/99.

Prozac: one pill per day until TS4 Y2000 patch availability.
Take 2 pills if you also own SC4.
Take also some other appropriate product when you see a bug that you cant

 Janette Perez called the other day to let me know that she'd read my post
 regarding the SwingHigh/SwingLow bug and that Omega is listening. During our
 conversation, there was no indication that Omega intends to actually fix the
 problems which concern many of us about the product releases with which
 we are currently earning our collective living. If there was one message I
 communicated to Janette, it was it that I am not focused on future
 products, I am focused on the present. I'm not inclined to "trust Omega"
 (a phrase Janette used frequently) until Omega gets back to work fixing the
 problems, including Y2K, in the current product. I'm running the latest
 build of SC4 and I can't find an EXE file which has been updated in nearly a
 year, yet I keep tripping over significant bugs!

What is exactly this SwingHigh/SwingLow bug ?
Could you explain ?
 I believe Omega's concerns are focused on holding the user base at bay until
 they can get the next release out and begin another round of hoopla and
 refresh the upgrade revenue stream. It's time for the collective user base
 to stop focusing on the ever-present "next release" and focus on the current
 release. If Omega isn't fixing the bugs and the Y2K problem in the current
 release, why believe that Omega will fix them in the next release?

En français, cela s'appelle un procès d'intention.

Three pills  now, maybe.
 PS I submit that in any user community there is a minority of users who
 truly excercise the product features and who actually perform the
 exceedingly tedious work required to verify the calculations provided by
 the software. If you are happily using the current release, that's great,
 but do not assume that those of us who are calling for fixes ar
ding Omega to fix, affect
 your trading systems, as well as ours.
 PPS Perhaps it's time for those list members in the trade press to
 begin covering the warts on these products. Some products and
 services, while providing worthwhile trading tools, have a history of
 bugs and/or poor support. Readers are not served by product
 coverage which treads lightly on the warts, encouraging vendors to
 continue hyping features at the expense of quality control and
 customer service. Ultimately, it is the readers who pay dearly!

But what are the bugs that affects your trading, the supposed false
calculations, the bug fixes that make the software so dangerous at the end ?
All the TS EL code is disclosed and you may verify that there are no errors,
excepted those due to your misunderstanding of a proper use of the software or
of the provided EL code.
Why this mixup with hyping vendors features?
Why calling for a press campaign and claming that you are not bashing again ?

Now, its time to consider to swallow the full box.

Pierre Orphelin
(Do not take my Prozac  posology for sure, I'm not a physician).