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Mark Brown

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	I would say, yes, we all have our problems with Omega. I sincerely believe
they will come out with a Y2K fix. And TS 5.0 will be released when its
ready. Meanwhile, we have a product that works and allows us to technically
analyse the market, day in and day out. Can it be improved...sure.  Does it
work now, you betcha!

	Mark Brown is nothing more than a common thief. He has never offered for
sale any trading methodology or system that I know of. In 1996, I marketed
a set of TradeStation Indicators commonly referred to as "Bullseye". I
charged $495 for them, and ended up selling about 45 copies. Most
purchasers were satisfied. A few were not. So be it.

	Anyway, one of the traders who purchased Bullseye (or somehow acquired the
EL code) passed it on to Mark Brown. And he, on this list and on the
newsgroup, offered it up to anyone who was interested. For free. What a
hero. Someone who works on coming up with a new trading methodology,
markets it,only to find out that whenever MB gets a hold of it, its free

	Doubt me? Go back and check his postings. 

	Yeah, yeah, yeah...Omega is the big bad wolf and is out to screw us.
Whatever. I don't think that's the case...my only thought is they should be
a little more upfront with us.. And since we are now receiving posts from
Omega here on the list...maybe they are improving.

	But feel sorry for MB? No way. He is a thief, a loud-mouthed, bothersome
individual who just whines cuz he didn't get his 5.0 version. Meanwhile, I
continue to get good trades with my trusty 3.5. 
5.0? Don't know. But I know that Monday thru Friday my 3.5 keeps plugging
along...probably don't need the bells and whistles that are promised with
5.0...but I believe Omega will provide a Y2K fix for 3.5 and 4.0. If not,
well, its not going to cause me any lack of sleep tonight.

	MB is a whiner...he can't get his way...poor Markie. Probably whines when
he has a losing trade...if he trades at all.BTW, do a dejanews check on
him...seems he likes to visit some rather "exotic" newsgroups.
