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Re: Y2K Blackmail?

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I have version 2.1 of SuperCharts.  If I input data with the date 1/1/2000 - the
program chokes.  OTOH - it starts to run again with data after 3/1/2000.  I believe
it is reading the date as 3/1/1900 - and have been told by people who know more
than I do that I will run into problems trying to use the program in the year 2000
when the program thinks it's 1900.  For starters - there's the Y2K leapyear problem
(a subset of the Y2K problem in general).

Also - FWIW - I use 2 data providers - and neither supplies data in a 4 year digit
format - which leads me to believe that the data vendors will have Y2K problems
too.  Robyn

Gary Funck wrote:

> On Feb 18,  4:46am, Orphelin@xxxxxxx wrote:
> > Yes...
> > Until Year 2000 if...
> > If Omega wants to stop SafeSoft piracy, they could be wise to release the TS4
> > Y2000 patch with an extra protection to the users that do not want to upgrade
> > to TS5.
> > Doing so, all the illegal TS4 and below copies will die at the end of the
> > century.
> Independent of the merits/demerits of dongles and Safekey's, I
> think there ought to be a law against a company that takes advantage
> of a Year 2000 bug, and uses it as a method for ensuring that its
> customers upgrade to the new Y2K-compliant version.
> Just curious, has anyone tried advancing the date (is this even
> possible with a realtime data feed?) past 2000, to see what TS4 and TS3
> do with that?  For example, one could build an ASCII file of historical
> data for '97 and '98, and change '97 -> '99 and '98 -> '00 and see
> what happens.  Mark, have you tried this?
> While we're on the subject, do the various historical and realtime
> datafeed providers have implicit Y2K compliant problems as well?
> --
> --
> | Gary Funck,  Intrepid Technology, gary@xxxxxxxxxxxx, (650) 964-8135