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Re: Y2K Blackmail?

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>>  Or CL0F...Omega's holding it's users hostage...again...and NOW.  Omega's
>>  promises are as reliable as Bill's Clinton's!
>I responded once to this, but can't help responding again.  I can't help
>saying if collecting data in Feb of 98 for the 2000 contracts was so critical
>to me making a living trading, then I'd have the software package that could
>handle these contracts,  that is if you can find one.   To say they have
>broken their promise on this is a bit silly to me.   Yes they need to get it
>fixed by early to mid 1999 for darn sure,  but they never promised they would
>have it fixed by Feb 1998.   Don't think there are a lot of companies out
>there that have there y2k problems all licked at this point.

Your (and others) argument of "get something else if you don't like
TS...blah blah blah" is getting tired. The facts are that companies whose
software depend on date sensitive functions (like Quicken 98, for example)
are Y2K compliant NOW! Omega KNEW about the Y2K incompatibility when TS 4
was first released several years ago.  They had to know since they designed
the damn thing.  So there is no excuse.  But where's the patch?  Now Omega
informs us that we'll get it ONLY AFTER TS 5 is released.  But some of us
need the patch NOW!  Bob Brickey stated several months ago that such a
patch would be a trival matter to code.  He designs trading software so I
assume that he would know.

Believe me, if I had not sunk 1000's of $$$'s into TS code, I'd switch in a
heartbeat.  Unfortunately, for all its faults,  I still depend on TS for my
trading decisions now, and switching software is not as an easy thing to
accomplish as you imply.   Anyone who trades full time for 100% of their
living would know that.

But why don't we trust Omega and their word?  Some of us still remember the
infamous TS 3.5 version that was promised 2 years before it was actually
delivered.  I remember seeing the ad's in the trade pub's for over 2 years
that promised a TS 3.5 release SOON.  "Soon" turned into 2 years.  So
Omega's word regarding releases and patch updates is problematic at best
and fraudulent at worst.  Their pitiful track record speaks for itself.
Omega clearly has the symptoms of a house in disarray.

If Omega doesn't get a Y2K patch out this year, I'd expect to see a flock
of class action lawsuit attorney's happy to make the decision for them.

                Tony Haas


Meat's not meat til it's in the pan

	- Charlie Russell
