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Re: How about a REAL useful TS 5.0 feature - Come on OMEGA !!! "Tom Cathey" <K1JJ@xxxxxxx>

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At 12:10 PM 2/13/98 -0800, you wrote:
>Hi Everyone:
>This commentary is partly directed to Omega's development dept., but maybe
>someone here can help....  I hope 5.0 is not cast in stone yet!!!
>I've been using Omegas's stuff since System Writer in 1988...maybe one of
>Bill's first few clients. He used to even talk on the phone on a regular
>basis to us before the recent big $40 million payday score.
>Anyway...there is one feature I've been asking these guys for years to add
>to their products. I hear "yeah, yeah, it's in the next upgrade"... but
>never is. 
>It seems that everyones' so caught up in optimization and Disco Duck system
>testing these days that they have forgotten that forcasting is really a
>look into the probable future.  
>(BTW, "Optimized Mush" is a whole other subject, but we must all learn the
>hard way sometimes-  Bottom line...just take a look at your account balance
>after just six months of that stuff in real time)
>The point I'm making is why don't they have an option to leave a little
>space to the right of the chart so that you can text in a few comments,
>cycle points, or whatever into the FUTURE?  It could be called an "extend"
>feature and would simply be a matter of adding a user input  factor like
>.25 to tell the chart to leave 1/4 of the space to the right blank, etc. 
>I have written my own software in Turbo Pascal, and it's such a relief to
>look at a chart that is not crushed all the way to the right edge. It's
>really a psychological restriction not to be able to visualize the future
>with some blank space, believe me. I've been trading for 18 years, and am a
>full time profitable trader...mostly descretionary and intuituive. I would
>gladly trade all this useless optimization, system and other crap JUST for
>a little space to the right of the chart that lets you text in some turning
>points and comments.
>If it weren't for the ability to write a few custom indicators and do the
>real time server thing, I'd have dropped this TS like a hot poker years
>ago....totally based on this one missing feature.  I mean, most ALL the
>other programmers out there understood the need to have space to the right.
>Maybe it's because other trading programs were written by REAL traders at
>one time. Whereas, I seem to only recall Bill Cruz SELLING systems.
>(remember the Taurus system from the middle eighties?)...and always said he
>never trades the markets. I can see it in the program.   I become very
>suspicious of anyone who spends his life being exposed to every system out
>there, the best programmers in the world, and never trades....for good
>It does tell you the truth, however.  There is a way to make money trading,
>but probably 1% or less have figured out how it's done. AND...the answer is
>not to be found in a OPTIMIZED, computerized system, believe me.
>ARE YOU OMEGA GUYS LISTENING ?    Maybe your employee stock options will
>increase in value a little if you add this new "extend" feature. I am tired
>of waiting for it and have finally run out of patience after seeing all the
>time and effort you guys spent on these so called "improvements" to 4.0.  
>In the meantime I have discovered a primitive way to add a little space on
>intra day charts by fooling around with the data2 field, but not using
>daily charts. Does anyone know of a trick to pull this off with the
>existing program?  
>And get this....in 3.5 I was able to put in a DOS date a few months in the
>future to fool the off-line server and get some blank space- But NOW with
>4.0, the friggin thing says my password has expired!!!  This really bites
>the big one.
>BTW, someone commented about OptionStation. I have a friend who purchased
>it and  I got to use it for a few days myself. Maybe if I don't hear a
>positive response to my long awaited request, I may tell the REAL truth
>about it too.
>Let's see how responsive they are these days.
>Good luck with trading everyone!
>Tom Cathey

***My frustration turned to amazement when I discovered 2 years ago that my
bright, shiny new "best of the best" TS couldn't "extend" a chart to the
right. My first thought was, "Who the heck signed off on this oversight?"
The blind leading the blind? Or just run amuck number crunchers who
couldn't read a price chart if a gun was put to their head?

However, since I HAD to be able to do that, there is a workaround, at least
in the Downloader. 

1) Change the date on your computer to reflect the date you wish the chart
extended to. 

2) I use the Offline Server, but the Online Server may work also.  Don't
know because I've never tried it.

2) In the Downloader, add rows to the last day of data, using the
File-Securities-Edit Data sequence to get to the Price Data Editor dialog.
Then use Edit-Add Records to add empty rows to the end of the data. 

2) Input some number that is far from the current price of whatever
security you are working with.  Eg, with the Mar S&P contract over 1000,
you can use 1. Save the changes & exit the Downloader.

3) Load the chart into TS. 

4) Use the Format-Price Data-Scaling sequence to get to the Format Price
Data dialog. Under Scale Type-User Defined, put in a minimum that is above
the garbage you entered in the newly added rows.  

5) You should then have a chart with empty space to the right of the last
valid bar of data. It's more of a workOUT than a workAROUND, but it beats
having the nose of your chart pressed up against the glass.

6) Make a note to change the date on your computer back to what it should
be! And to remove the erroneous data you entered for the security(s) in the

7) Put your abacus back into it's protective case & sleep well, knowing you
own the "best of the best."