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FCC charges for INET usage!!

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it's time to write our congressman,woman
personally, if it sounds like a tax, looks like a tax, feels like a tax,
smells like a tax, walks like a tax, guess What? ...

surely if eneough responses are received by out congress representatives
& state senators, they will at least have a notion of our feeling.

forwarding this to everyone in your address book is encouraged!

> yikes!  anyone heard about this?
> ----------
> I don't like the looks of this.
> Hi folks, Idont normally forward on mail but thought this pretty urgent!
> Trouble's brewing...
> If you wish to object, you should do so before Feb. 13.
> I am writing you this to inform you of a very important matter currently 
> under review by the FCC. Your local telephone company has filed a proposal
> with the FCC to impose per minute charges for your internet service.  They
> contend that your usage has or will hinder the operation of the telephone 
> network. It is my belief that internet usage will diminish if users were 
> required to pay additional per minute charges. The FCC has created an
> email 
> box for your comments, responses must be received by February 13, 1998. 
> Send your comments to isp@xxxxxxx and tell them what you think. Every
> phone 
> company is in on this one, and they are trying to sneak it in just under 
> the wire for litiagation. Let everyone you know here this one. Get the 
> e-mail address to everyone you can think of.