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I can't say never but I think we generally
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 3:47
Subject: [Metastockusers] Re: Introducing
I agree, I wouldn't trade without TA either, but T/A
alone will never work!
--- In Metastockusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
"rdb104" <richandellen@x...>
wrote: > MessageI never thought a purely mechanical system could
work..but wouldn't trade without TA. > ----- Original
Message ----- > From: Book > To:
'onlinetradersclub ' ; 'equismetastock ' ; 'internetstocknews ' ;
'Metastockusers ' ; 'momostocks ' ; 'mutualfunds ' ; 'myqqqsystem '
> Sent: Friday, October 08, 2004 3:00
PM > Subject: [Metastockusers] Introducing myself >
> > I would like to introduce myself to this
group. > > > > I am a
retired manager of a major U.S. corporation. I was educated in the fields
of mathematics, electrical engineering and computer science and I have had
an interest in stock market analysis for nearly 20 years. >
> > > I believe my
background skills have given me a unique insight into technical analysis,
allowing me to look at and understand the mathematics behind technical
analysis formulas, take an unbiased common sense approach to the results
of these formulas and develop a system that does not succumb to the short
falls of Technical Analysis. >
> > > I have been studying
technical analysis in the stock market since 1987, testing and analyzing
hundreds of formulas and charts. I began by using commercial
software with built in formulas, then wrote my own formulas and finally
wrote my own software and formulas. > >
> > I am now writing a book "An Analysis of
Technical Analysis", which is far from complete but there is some very
relevant information that I will point you to a little later.
> > > > I have also
been lurking and contributing on many forums over the last 10 years or so,
and I have made several observations. > >
> > 1.. The questions are generally the
same, form year to year. Some technical question on how to get a
formula or program to work and some general questions on how to make a
system that really works. The technical questions are usually
answered in detail but the system questions are rarely answered except in
the most general terms. > 2.. There are
usually one or two Gurus who expound "I have developed a system that
really works well" but they never give explicit details on how this system
works and they never give actual trades until well after the trades have
happened. This gives way too much opportunity to "adjust" the
figures. In other words, they never prove themselves.
> 3.. After a period of time, a year or less,
these Gurus disappear from the scene. Did they lose all their money,
or can't they just keep up the BS? > >
> Why is this the case? I will answer this a little
later. > > > > First
I want to say that I have created a "commercial" market timing website,
but I will not advertise or even mention the name here so that the
moderator of this group won't ban me. My main concern is to get some
very pertinent market timing information to those of you who are really
interested in trying to time the market. > >
> > Let me start out this way. Technical
analysis (using mathematical formulas only) DOES NOT WORK, WILL NOT WORK,
> > How can I possibly say such a thing, especially
when I said I own a market timing web site? >
> > > I said "Technical
analysis (using mathematical formulas only)". Mathematical formulas,
no mater how simple or complex, try to match a recurrence, or pattern, in
the market. They simply do not predict anything! >
> > > Experts contend that
the market is "random" and "efficient". We all know that random
events cannot be predicted and if something is really efficient
there are no disparities to capitalize on. These two factors alone tell
you that the market is impossible, or nearly impossible to predict, using
mathematical formulas. > > >
> If you would like to learn a little more about technical
analysis, what works and what doesn't, and what you REALLY need to
look for you can read more of my upcoming book. The start is
here "An Analysis of Technical Analysis" or you can get the quick and
dirty "summary" here. > > >
> It won't cost you a cent, but it might save you
several! > > > >
Thanks for reading. > > >
> Larry > >
> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> > > >
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