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The Normalise by date is simple "mmddyy" date
format. Therefore is you want the plot to be normalised from December 1 2003,
just type in 120103 in the input window.
To make things simpler, change the
D1:=Input("Normalise from
D1:=Input("Normalise from
You could also check if the original data is
containing data which has splits. Splits can make the "steps"
I think it would be better to paste the entire
formula here, by which I could check it out for errors.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 10:43
Subject: Re: [EquisMetaStock Group] Comparing
multiple issues by percentage
> > Dusant, > I am trying to use the "Comparing multiple
issues by percentage" > posted on Tue Sep 7, 2004 with stocks. I
have run into several > problems. I copied and pasted the formula
exactly, and then changed > the pathnames for aa: to aa:=
Security("C:\MetaStock > Data\S&P500\AMD",C);, bb:=
Security("C:\MetaStock > Data\S&P500\INTC",C); etc. for seven
stocks. > The first problem I have is that I get thousands of
divide by zero > errors. When I say ignore errors and I select
"1=Normal", I get a > plot that is a step like plot with each step lasting
about three > months that I guess is supposed to be the average of the
stock prices. > If I plot in: I get the same step like plot (but the
sum of the > stocks prices). If I change all of the stocks to be the
same, I get a > step like plot that is the stock's price at the beginning
of the three > month period. > When I
select "2=Normalised" and the default Normalise from Date > of "10101", I
get a flat line of minus 1. > I suspect
the date format or formulas. I don't understand the > date format in
D1:=Input("Normalise from Date",010100,123199,010101);. > Nor do I
understand the L01: function what it does and how it does > it. Can
you help. I do want to use a percentage comparison function. >
Thanks. wwflhp
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