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Re: [Metastockusers] Re: New metastock user - For all new users

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If I may jump in here. I'm a little beyond being a novice user.

Much of what I learned has come from reading the answers to questions 
here, and attempting to figure out the answer to others' questions 
before the "real" answers were posted. I found it a little amusing that 
I  posted correct answers within days of owning the software  by doing 
something so audacious as reading the help file and quoting it. (Some 
considered that cheating).

It pays to read thru the manual's function dictionary. Put a check mark 
next to those that seem likely to be immediately useful. I put 2 checks 
next to "ref" Finding out how to REFerence prior bars was a real chore.  
It was so simple I was embarassed to ask. You can do a lot of heavy 
lifting with relatively few functions.  (I haven't used the System 
Tester. I've yet to use the Prev function or most of the others).

The best way to get a very useful answer is to ask a well specified 
question. A well formulated question (accompanying gifs or  jpegs of 
charts are ok) is likely to bring  a really helpful answer within 12 hours.
I work very hard to specify my question. I don't want to waste the time 
of the experts here with a bunch of "No that's not what I meant..." Also 
the time spent in formulating a good question frequently leads you to 
its answer all by yourself. It also doesn't hurt to try too see if 
something works by actually trying it.

There is a searchable archive (Don't have the link at hand) of this 
forum. Not a bad idea to use it.

This (and EquisMetastock Group) is among the more friendly, supportive, 
knowledgable lists you are going to be fortunate enough in which to 

New York City has an active MS group that has monthly meeetings. Other 
cities may well have them.

You want to see newbies flamed for not knowing what's in the manual? 
 Check out the Perl group.


manohohman wrote:

>You're right! It was a useful answer. 
>In fact, it's the most useful answer you may ever get. I'm sorry if 
>you thought I was picking on you. Nobody is being a smart ass here, 
>or trying to run you off.  
>If you won't read the manual and use the help screens to teach 
>yourself, no one can help you. I've seen it a hundred times. I've 
>wasted tons of my time trying to help people who can't or won't be 
>helped. They have an excuse for not doing every thing you suggest to 
>Metastock and other TA programs cost a lot of money, and that's only 
>the start. I don't know one person who actually trades for a living, 
>and I know a lot of them, that hasn't spent thousands of dollars on 
>materials, data, and software. It's all part of the cost of doing 
>The learning curve on MS is nothing compared to the learning curve on 
>TA. I make an extremely good living from trading, but I work at it 10 
>hours a day literally. The first year I used MS, I spent more on 
>books, "media" and data than I did on MS and it was the intraday 
>version. I still spend thousands on all that stuff every year, and I 
>only had to pay for MS once. 
>Pring has the best training program there is if you want to learn MS 
>the right way. If you don't mind "see Jane run", try Metastock in a 
>Nutshell. It's cheap. You get what you pay for. (There aren't any 
>other books because there aren't many MS users, so there's no money 
>in writing them.) However, if you can read Metastock in a Nutshell 
>you can read a manual, or use the help function to answer basic 
>Here's a simple example of what I'm talking about. Click on help at 
>the top of the MS screen. Open find. Type in: clear chart, which is 
>what your question was, I believe. Notice in the topic window it says 
>Clearing a chart. Click on that. Follow the instructions that pop up 
>in that window. That's all there is too it. 
>When you've got the basics down, and you hit something really 
>difficult like registry problems, or how to handle weird time 
>configurations, etc, I'll be the first to help because that stuff is 
>only learned through a lot of experience, experimentation, 
>frustration and sometimes suffering. 
>Trading is a difficult and psychologically bruttal business. To 
>succeed you have to do what it takes. In my case, I have trouble with 
>multimedia training because I don't like to focus on it for more than 
>a few minutes. In most cases it moves too slow to keep my interest. I 
>bought 6 Pring CDs when I first started. I watched one lesson at a 
>time and clawed by way through them. Sometimes I wanted to scream at 
>the screen to make it along. 
>I worked with MS and TA for a couple of months, and then I fidgeted 
>my way through the CDs again. Five weeks ago, I pulled out two of 
>Pring's CDs, tied my ass to the chair and plowed through them one 
>more time. The reason isn't because I like pain. It's because I learn 
>something new everytime I watch them. In fact, I learn something new 
>every trading day. 
>If you don't think this is a useful answer, think again!
>--- In Metastockusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "wanengineer" 
><wanengineer@xxxx> wrote:
>>Thank you for that enlightning 7 step process to forking out more 
>>money on media.
>>Back to my original question... are there any useful forums and 
>>that anyone can suggest for people starting out in metastock? I 
>>dislike multimedia. Or am I going to have a hard time getting 
>>answrs in here? :)
>>--- In Metastockusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "manohohman" <kelols@xxxx> 
>>>Step 1.
>>>Read the manual.
>>>Step 2. 
>>>go to www.pring.com
>>>Look under products 
>>>Go to MetaStock plug-ins
>>>Exploring MS basic
>>>Exploring MS advanced
>>>Step 3.
>>>Buy these.
>>>Step 4. 
>>>Use them.
>>>Step 5. 
>>>Be amazed at how much you've learned. 
>>>Step 6
>>>Lose your money and quit trading.
>>>Step 7
>>>Sell MS on ebay and recover some capital.
>>>All's well that ends well! Ho! ho! ho! and Merry Christmas. Well, 
>>>happy Halloween first.
>>>--- In Metastockusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "wanengineer" 
>>><wanengineer@xxxx> wrote:
>>>>Hi everyone,
>>>>I just purchased metastock and have a number of questions here 
>>>>there. First off, is this forum the best place to ask general 
>>>>questions pertaining to metastock from a new-user point of 
>>>>have been having a somewhat painful experience finding an 
>>>>forum to post my questions to... questions like:
>>>>How do you set a stock's "chart window" back to default (i.e. 
>>>>containing just price and volume) after one has added in 
>>>>indicators and lines to the chart?
>>>>If anyone could let me know of any resources, books, forums to 
>>>>me out getting into metastock.
>>>>Thanks so much!
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