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Tel Aviv, 27 in Septembre 2,003
1 Rajab 1,423, Rosh HaShana 5,764.

Exit to Freedom

Madam, Sir,

This document tackles the problems of economic and security 
risks you are confronted with everyday.

Previous versions of that document have been released before 
today. I have to apologise for one mistake: the definition of 
the Index was wrong.

This is a two part document:

I - Explaination and Legend of "Roadmap to Exit": Why do we 
need an Exit?

II - "Roadmap to Exit" itself: step by step instructions on 
how you may perform your Exit.

I - Explaination and Legend of "Roadmap to Exit".

Credit is the cause of most of the ills of our global economy 
and of our global society.

Credit is at the heart of the internal imbalances of our 
Credit is the root of the structural unstability of the old 
global credit based economy.
It explains why it is crippled with ever increasing 
unemployment, plagued with endemic excessive production, 
plethoric unused capacities, dwindling anemic demand, 
vertiginous mountains of bad debt, staggering deflation and 
increasingly diminishing returns. 

"The existing theory of unemployment nonsense. In a 
depression... there was no wage so low that it could 
eliminate unemployment. Accordingly, it was wicked to blame 
the unemployed for their plight. 

The second proposition proposed an alternative explanation 
about the origins of unemployment and depression. This 
centred upon aggregate demand - i.e. the total spending of 
consumers, business investors, and public agencies. When 
aggregate demand was low, sales and jobs suffered. 
When it was high, all was well."

- Lord John Maynard First Baron Keynes of Tilton

Credit generates oversupply of good and services and deficit 
of solvant demand for these same goods and services.

War is the only way man has found, till now, for destroying 
that excessive stock and production.

Only a large, at least regional, war could prevent the 
collapse of the capitalist economy.

That war is what we MUST avoid.


"For myself I am absolutely and completely desolated. It is 
utterly unbearable to see day by day the youths going away, 
first to boredom and discomfort, and then to slaughter."

- Lord John Maynard First Baron Keynes of Tilton

Why is credit responsible?

Lets watch what people do with their money: 

The rich buy productive assets.

The poor buy goods and services.

Because of credit rich get richer and poor get poorer: There 
is more and more demand for productive assets but the goods 
and services they are producing are faced with a shrinking demand.

Returns are going down and unemployment is going up.

"The outstanding faults of the economic society in which we 
live are its failure to provide for full employment and its 
arbitrary and inequitable distribution of wealth and incomes."

- Lord John Maynard First Baron Keynes of Tilton [1936]

When the return on financial assets get below what the Market 
requires for compensating the holder for credit risk the 
Market gets in Keynes' Liquidity Trap.

Keynes' Liquidity Trap is the financial manifestation of the 
internal imbalances of capitalism.

Never wondered why everybody now wants to sell you a credit 
card or give you a mortgage at a rate which is near a 45 
years low?

Probably they can't do more profitable things with this 

What do you think?

When the Market will be in the Liquidity Trap, there will be 
a drastic drop in the number of transactions as well as a 
drop of the bid price for good, services and investments.

Keynes' Liquidity Trap can't be corrected by the Market as it 
is in itself the dissapearence of market. It occurs when the 
lower offered price, because of the cost of risk, is higher 
than the highest price demanded.

As the same time too much and too many is offered to people 
who don't need the good and services (oversupply) while 
people who want them can't pay for them (deficit of the 
demand), prices are tumbling:

Deflation or "disinflation" is when prices of good and 
services have a tendency to go down:
The level of deflation will then be staggering:


"Deflation amounts to giving notice to every merchant and 
manufacturer that for some time to come his stock and his 
raw materials will steadily depreciate, . . . 

and to every one who finances his business with borrowed 
money that he will, sooner or later, lose . . . on his 
liabilities. . . 

Modern business . . .  must necessarily be brought to a 
standstill. It will be to the interest of everyone in 
business to go out of business for the time being; and of 
everyone who is contemplating expenditure to postpone his orders so 
long as he can."

- Lord John Maynard First Baron Keynes of Tilton

Any short-term manipulation of the rate of that deflation 
through tax breaks, government spendings or manipulation of 
interest rates, "Keynesian" or GreensPanik tactics, will 
result in increased production and marginal, relatively low, 
increase of demand. Hence, ultimately, they will cause an increase of 
the rate of deflation.

"In the long run we are all dead"

- Lord John Maynard First Baron Keynes of Tilton

By the virtue of patience that long run has now become a 
short run.

There is no way that a system which cares of the well-being 
of the capital, through credit, could take care of the well-
being of people.

Rich or poor we are all, together, slaves of that old global 
credit based economy.

"Capitalism, wisely managed, can probably be made more 
efficient for attaining economic ends than any alternative 
system yet in sight, but… in itself it is in many ways 
extremely objectionable."

"[Capitalism] is not a success. It is not intelligent, it is 
not beautiful, it is not just, it is not virtuous and it 
doesn't deliver the goods. In short, we dislike it, and we 
are beginning to despise it. But when we wonder what to put 
in its place, we are extremely perplexed.... "

- Lord John Maynard First Baron Keynes of Tilton

There is now an alternative system in sight: adjusted free 
market, credit free economy: Freedom.

"When facts change, I change my mind. What do you do Sir?"

- Lord John Maynard First Baron Keynes of Tilton

Whereas credit makes you a prisoner of your past, 
Freedom is dedicated to life. 

Credit is bad from an economic and mathematic point of view.

Credit is bad from a moral point of view.

Freedom, adjusted free market credit free economy, is 
acceptable by the tenants of justice, really free markets, 
Muslims and Jews alike.


Freedom is the only economic system compatible with both 
Torah and Qu'ran.

Freedom is the only economy that can balance precisely demand 
and supply.

"Roadmap to Exit" is the only valid "Roadmap to Peace". 

The purpose of this document is to offer you the possibility 
to make a secure, optimal transition from capitalism to 
Freedom, a cooperative, free, fair, stable, prosperous and 
peaceful society.

The Exit from capitalism to Freedom:

"The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping 
the old ones, which ramify, for those brought up as most of 
us have been, into every corner of our minds."

- Lord John Maynard First Baron Keynes of Tilton

The solution is to use a strategy that is an modelled after 
the Exodus as it was suggested to Moses (Moshe or Mussa) by 

This strategy is backed by a Game Theory of Employment, 
Interest and Money.


For those of you who understand Guematria the number 770 is 
the summary of what you MUST NOT DO for the Exit.

What is on the US One Dollar Bill, on the other hand, is what 
you MUST DO.

I will precise in plain english what these things mean in 
"Roadmap to Exit".

II - "Roadmap to Exit".

This document is the first and last instruction you will ever 
receive till completion of the Exit.

Read it carefully.

Roadmap to Exit is a seven part documents:

1 - Who can participate?
2 - Identification of the participants in the Exit.
3 - Timing of the Exit.
4 - Protection of the value of belongings.
5 - Networking.
6 - Safety and efficiency of the Exit. 
7 - Return.

1 - Who can participate?

Who will enjoy Freedom?

"Those peoples who can keep alive and cultivate the art of 
life will be able to enjoy the abundance when it comes".

- Lord John Maynard First Baron Keynes of Tilton

Those people will agree to follow the seven Nohaides Laws: 

"In God We Trust"

1 - Worship Only the Creator
2 - Do not Blaspheme
3 - Do not Murder
4 - Do not do Forbidden Sexual Acts
5 - Do Not Steal
6 - Do not Eat Meat Taken From aLiving Animal
7 - Establish Courts of Justice

Note: Agreeing with the seven Nohaides Laws does not imply 
that you believe in God (Trust and Belief are two different 
things). It implies, however, that you do not worship any 
other "deities".


No one can cancel his son's heritage. There is no time limit 
on ownership.

Ytzhak is the elder son of Abraham by his choice, who are you 
to discuss the will of your father? Yshmael is the elder son 
of Abraham by God's choice, who are you to discuss the will 
of God? Both have equal rights you have no power to discuss.

2 - Identification of the participants in the Exit

Don't Pay.

Sacrifice the use of a 20 New Israeli Shekel banknote as a 
mean of paiement.

In order to identify the people who will have the right to 
enjoy Freedom a system of identification has been designed.

For your security and in order to prevent any economic 
discrimination Freedom does not use your Name but an 
Identification Number.

Your belongings are linked to that Identification Number not 
to you (your Name).

What you have (your Identification) and who you are (your 
Name) are completely separated.

"I can't remember my telephone number, 
but I know it was in the high numbers."

- Lord John Maynard First Baron Keynes of Tilton

Before "Novus Ordo Seclorum" choose a 20 New Israeli Shekel 
banknote. It is your Identification. Its serial number is 
your Identification Number.

You will sacrifice the usage of that banknote as a mean of 
paiement and keep it for identification purpose only.

The banknote is an affordable anonymous secure encryption 
system we freely use courtesy of the Bank of Israel:

- Anonymous: your banknote does not tell you anything about 
your name, your race, your religion, your sex or your age... 


- Secure because of the technology used the 20 Shekel bill is 
difficult to counterfeit (it uses the same anti-
counterfeiting technology as the 200 NIS banknote) and 
because of its low value ($4.50) there is no economic motive 
for entering that kind of business.

Put that banknote in safe keeping.

It is the only way you can claim your rights when time comes:

"This Note is a Valid Tender For All Debts Public and 

All your economic rights and duties are linked to that 

Don't tear:

Your banknote will be a valid claim only if it shows the two 
serial numbers.

It is advised that you put aside that banknote before the 10 
of the lunar month, Yom Kippur:

"They ask thee about the new moons. Say, these are means for 
measuring time for people's affairs and for the Pilgrimage"
(Holy Quran, Ch. 2 V. 190) 

This note will be used in order to give you your Shekel 
account, the Identification Number will be your account number. 

"The important thing for Government is not to do things which 
individuals are doing already, and to do them a little better 
or a little worse; but to do those things which at present 
are not done at all."

- Lord John Maynard First Baron Keynes of Tilton

The Shekel will be our credit free money which will be 
circulated from "Annuit Coeptis".

The Shekel will be a fair broker that will prevent any 
economic discrimination between the participants of Freedom.

The Shekel is completly different from the New Israeli Shekel 
which is just another credit based currency.

In order to acquire Shekels, after "Annuit Coeptis", Freedom 
participants will be allowed to sell two troy once of Silver 
for one Shekel.


Freedom will not buy credit based currencies or gold in 
exchange for Shekels. No account in those currencies will be 
considered by Freedom as having any value:

"With the utmost respect, I must, if asked for my opinion, 
tell you that I regard your account as rubbish."

- Lord John Maynard First Baron Keynes of Tilton


3 - Timing of the Exit.

>From start to finish:

 "Novus Ordo Seclorum"

This sentence in latin means a new material order or new 
economic order. 

Our Index is the value, in New Israeli Shekel, of the 20 NIS 

"Novus Ordo Seclorum" is defined by the moment our Index get 
over 50.

At that time there will be a New Economic Order between the 
20 NIS banknote and the 50 NIS banknote.

The world will then know how many of us have sacrificed the 
use of a 20 NIS banknote.

"Novus Ordo Seclorum is translated in Hebrew by "Seder 
Chadash Mechal (Mem Chet Lamed)". The Hebrew sentence has 
other different meanings, all of them are true for the Exit.

As a consequence every participant of Freedom will pardon to 
each other any crime committed before "Novus Ordo Seclorum" 
under a previous unjust system.

"Annuit Coeptis"

This sentence in latin means: He has favoured our 

Crossing the Red Sea:

This is when Global Financial Markets get into Lord John 
Maynard First Baron Keynes of Tilton Liquidity Trap.

The slaves of the old global credit based economy will then 
sink into the deep waters of Keynes' Liquidity Trap. Only 
participants of Freedom will be taken out of that Liquidity Trap. 

All our enemies will start to sell their assets on "Novus 
Ordo Seclorum":

"Even outside the field of finance, Americans are apt to be 
unduly interested in discovering what average opinion 
believes average opinion to be; and this national weakness 
finds its nemesis in the stock market."

- Lord John Maynard First Baron Keynes of Tilton


3 - Protection of the value of belongings.

Maximise your wealth!

Don't loan money with interest rate.

"(The game of investment is) intolerably boring and over-
exacting to any one who is entirely exempt from the gambling 
instinct; whilst he who has it must pay to this propensity 
the appropriate toll."

"There is no clear evidence from (recent) experience that the 
investment policy which is socially advantageous coincides 
with that which is most profitable."

"Speculators may do no harm as bubbles on a steady stream of 
enterprise. But the position is serious when enterprise 
becomes a bubble on a whirlpool of speculation. When the 
capital development of a country becomes a by-product of the 
activities of a casino, the job is likely to be ill done."

- Lord John Maynard First Baron Keynes of Tilton

In order to shield your belongings against the consequence of 
the Liquidity Trap and deflation it is recommanded that 
before (and not at) "Novus Ordo Seclorum" you sell all long-
term assets you may own and anything that you don't need for 
your daily consumption:

At "Novus Ordo Seclorum" you should own only silver and cash, 
mostly silver, those products that usually don't gain value 
with time, apart from what you own for your daily consumption.

Shun gold the "barbarous relic" in the words of Lord John 
Maynard First Baron Keynes of Tilton.

It is advised not to take any position on the Market:

"The stock market can remain irrational 
longer than an investor can remain solvent."

- Lord John Maynard First Baron Keynes of Tilton.

You can however manage positions on markets for precious 

You should in particular be wary not to own any Long-Term 
Assets, those assets whose value is dependant on interest 
rates: corporate bonds, stocks, businesses, real estate, ...

None of your belongings should be held by a bank or credit 

"If you owe the bank 100 pounds, you're the one with the 
problem. But if you owe a million pounds, the bank's the one 
with the problem."

- Lord John Maynard First Baron Keynes of Tilton

Bewary of so called "lariba financial institutions" and 
Islamic banking which operates without "Riba" (interest 
rate). Most of them use implied interest credit and all of 
them use credit based money. Hence none of them is immune to 
Keynes' Liqudity Trap.


General Strike:

Because of deflation, there will be no purpose in working or 
entering any economic activity from "Novus Ordo Seclorum" 
till "Annuit Coeptis" except if it is needed for providing food.

5 - Networking.

"E Pluribus Unum" 

>From several (people) one (Network).

Freedom does not use mass e-mail, advertising or the press. 
If you protect your belongings shouldn't anyone who is close 
to you too? For Freedom you are your brother's keeper. 

If you care about someone you should communicate him the 
content of "Roadmap to Exit". Not doing so would reflect a 
selfish attitude.

The faster someone knows about "Roadmap to Exit" the more 
efficient he will be in protecting his hard earned savings.

"Roadmap to Exit" is disseminated in any possible way: print, 
e-mail, fax... to the highest number of potential participants.

The 20 New Israeli Shekel Serial Number of the person you 
received the "Roadmap to Exit" From:[1]   

The 20 New Israeli Shekel Serial Number of the person that 
person received the "Roadmap to Exit" From:[2] 2190134961

Write down these two serial numbers. Put them is safe 

Before you transmit this document, change the following data:

Put the 20 New Israeli Shekel serial number of the person you 
received the "Roadmap to Exit" from in place [2] (switch [1] 
to [2]).

Put your 20 New Israeli Shekel Serial Number in place [1] 

You can, in order to build the Network under you, edit or 
translate this document in any way you chose.

You can transmit it through any mean you wish to use.

However it is your responsibility to these people that they 
will be able to execute exactly the instructions as they were 
given to you.

You have no way of knowing if someone have already received 
this "Roadmap". Never assume that someone has already 
received it, send it to anyone you care.

The Network will stay virtual and anonymous until "Annuit 

>From that moment, although it will still remain anonymous, it 
will become real for the people who will chose to claim their rights.

The order in which the Shekel accounts will be distributed to 
you will depend on the number of people that will have 
networked under you.


Never listen to "practical men" and your reward will be 

"Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt 
from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of 
some defunct economist.

Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are 
distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few 
years back."

- Lord John Maynard First Baron Keynes of Tilton

Of course don't believe the economic data given by the 
practical men: what would be their interest in telling you 
the truth?

6 - Safety and efficiency of the Exit. 

a - "Roadmap to Exit" is a low tech strategy. 

There are several reason for that. One of which is the global 
security of the system. Another is to respect your privacy. 
And of course that system allows us to reach people who have 
never seen a computer or even a telephone.

High-Tech is expensive.

High-Tech is intrusive and does not respect your privacy.

High-Tech is vulnerable.

The number of potential participants in Freedom is fabulous. 
However the process is stealth, no one can know how fast it 
is propagating or how deep it has already propagated. No one, 
no matter how powerful he might be, can stop the Exit once 
you have read that document.

No one can even guess how big the network is before "Novus 
Ordo Seclorum".

b - "Roadmap to Exit" minimalise the communication between 
participants. Recipients of the "Roadmap" don't even need to 
aknowledge of its reception.

The person that send the "Roadmap" and the person who receive 
it don't even have to know each other.

c - Exit is has a formidable power and is extraordinarly 

The interest of the participants and that of Freedom are the 

The purpose of Freedom and your personal interest are the 
same: maximise your wealth. Anyone would do that naturally. 
What "Roadmap to Exit" does is make you a little more 
efficient in that pursuit.

What force can be stronger than that?

Fighting against Freedom is akin to willingly refuse to 
maximise your own wealth. Show me a capitalist that fights 
against Freedom, I will show you a depressed individual:

Because "...habits and instincts of the ordinary man, bred 
into him for countless generations. Must we not expect a 
general nervous breakdown?" 

- Lord John Maynard First Baron Keynes of Tilton


d - The Exit is Safe:
The "Roadmap to Exit" follows the model of leaderless 

There is no way of making a link between the Freedom 
participants before "Annuit Coeptis", our total victory. Our 
non pyramidal structure is the most resiliant ever imagined. 

On the other hand any Pyramidal structure can be destroyed. 

Even if something happens to me the owner of the banknote 
#9274418028 would still be in a position to perpetuate Freedom.

I am mortal my banknote is not.

No one can stop the Exit:

e - Once released, no one, not even myself, can stop Freedom 
and the propagation of "Roadmap to Exit".

f - Efficient communication system:

Communication: the Market and the money, the essence of 
capitalism itself, are used in order to communicate and give 
you the feedback on our action. As long as there is a credit 
based economy we can rely on these system for our communication. 

"Roamap to Exit" makes use all the powers of capitalism against it.

g - The Exit is legal:

Nothing in "Roadmap to Exit" is even against the laws of capitalism! 

Safety, privacy, fairness and prosperity are the foundations of 

h - Severing communication lines:

Following the tradition, I will not answer any other question 
before "Novus Ordo Seclorum".

7 - Return:

Don't live with your people.

For security reasons, those of you who believe that their 
duty, interest or security is to return to Eretz Israel are 
asked to do that no sooner than "Annuit Coeptis".

The Middle East has never been in a bigger danger than today: 
"Madmen in Authority" are now targeting Christian Arabs, 
Muslim Shi'ia, Sunnis and Jews alike.

The solution they intend to implement is a final solution. 
They wont implement it before we are all in Eretz Israel.

Their long term plan has started to be implemented in Bretton 
Wood on July 22nd, 1944 with the reinstauration of the gold 
standard, the UN, te IMF and the World Bank. Again the 
economic consequences of the Peace!


It was already well known at that time that one of the factor 
that did accelerate the fall in the Great Depression was 
precisely the gold standard.

White donkeys never give up!

The purpose was to recreate the conditions of World War II 
with the Middle East, this time, being the Combat Zone.

Why do you believe the US want to bring Democracy to Iraq 
when it knows that 60% to 65% of the population is shi'a? Is 
it to counter the nuclear power of the Iranians shi'a or may 
be they don't read the CIA - World Factbook? 

Muslim 97% (Shi'a 60%-65%, Sunni 32%-37%), 
Christian or other 3%

Shi'a Muslim 89%, Sunni Muslim 10%, Zoroastrian, Jewish, 
Christian, and Baha'i 1%" 

War, is what you don't do for the Exit, let God fight for 

For the Muslims it is forbidden to fight during this month of 

If you are reading this, then "Roadmap to Exit" has a high 
probability of success, but:

"It has been pointed out already that no knowledge of 
probabilities, less in degree than certainty, helps us to 
know what conclusions are true, and that there is no direct 
relation between the truth of a proposition and its probability. 

Probability begins and ends with probability."

The Application of Probability to Conduct.

- Lord John Maynard First Baron Keynes of Tilton

"Chance is the disguise god wears so that he can travel 
incognito on earth."

- Albert Einstein

"Alea Jacta Est"

- Julius Caesar

The choice is not between order or disorder but between one 
order and another. You have to decide for yourself which one 
you want to prevail.

Before reading that document you should reflect on the 
meanings of the notions of economy, freedom and economic 
freedom and what links one with the other.


Did the Jews make the One Dollar Bill? The answer is on the 
Bill: it is written E Pluribus Unum. The first word contains 
one letter the second height the third four.

So it is Alef Chet Dalet: Echad.

The same Echad as: "Shema Israel Adonai Eloenou Adonai 

I just lost my Latin.

Echad Sider Otanu.

Don't shout, scream, pray, complain, invoke, implore or 
abandon hope.

Guarantee of means:

The Shekel will be such that I will be able to cut off 
individually from Freedom whoever will not respect that 

Sincerely Yours,

If you received this document with this text it means that 
you received the original. Exit is done with the existing 
political system. You must chose one of the Systems you 
want to be connected with among the 12 listed below and do as 
if in [1] were the Serial Number of the System of your 

When you build the Network under you, publish the text 
without that last part.

Don't publish that document before 27 in Septembre 2,003 
after sunset.

1 - Tribe of Osama Bin Laden 1250416346

2 - Tribe of Saddam Hussein 9251448057

3 - Tribe of Arafat 1140242784

4 - Kingdom of Saudia Arabia 9052785432

5 - Republic of Syria 2190134960

6 - Kingdom of Jordan 9255336156

7 - United Arab Emirates 1210425643

8 - State of Kuwait 1100118043

9 - Tribe of Muslim Shia's 9274998402

10 - Turkish Republic 9061666155

11 - Yossef: Jews in Eretz Israel 1240412937

12 - Binyamin: Jews in Diaspora 2190134968

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