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[EquisMetaStock Group] Re: Trendline

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you can tweak the formula to putting high and low together into one 

Happy Trading

--- In equismetastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Dusant" <cooldush@xxxx> wrote:
> Trendchaser,
> This is amazing.
> Always have been looking for something like this.
> Thanks for the post. And I'm sure, I reflect the sentiments of a 
> lot of MS users.
> And also a word of *salut* to the anonymous FREDCOM.
> Dusant
> --- In equismetastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "trendchaser2003"
> <trendchaser2003@xxxx> wrote:
> > This is a copy from other forum.
> > TDLineLow: channel created starting from 2 relative bottoms; 
> > TDLineHigh: channel created from 2 Highs relative; 
> > TDLineLow#LOG: version of TDLineLow for chart in vertical scale 
> > Log; 
> > TDLineHigh#LOG: version of TDLineHigh for chart in vertical scale 
> > Log; 
> > 
> > ***TDLineLow***
> > peri:=Input("Period",2,100,4);
> > {by FREDCOM, 15May2003 --> V1.12}
> > loc:= L<Ref(LLV(L,peri),-1) AND L<=Ref(LLV(L,peri),peri);
> > y1t:=LastValue(ValueWhen( 2, loc=1, L ));
> > y2t:=LastValue(ValueWhen( 1, loc=1, L ));
> > x1t:=LastValue(ValueWhen( 2, loc=1, Cum(1) ));
> > x2t:=LastValue(ValueWhen( 1, loc=1, Cum(1) ));
> > {at:=(y1t-y2t)/(x1t-x2t);bt:=y1t-at*x1t;}
> > yt:=(y1t-y2t)/(x1t-x2t)*Cum(1)+y1t-(y1t-y2t)/(x1t-x2t)*x1t; 
> > {yt:=at*cum(1)+bt;}
> > e1:=L-yt;
> > ret1:=LastValue(Cum(1)-(x1t+Int((x2t-x1t)/2)-1));
> > seg1:=LastValue(Int((x2t-x1t)/2+Int(2*peri/5)){+peri-1});
> > x1:=LastValue(Cum(1)-LLVBars(Ref(e1,-ret1),seg1)-ret1);
> > y1:=LastValue(ValueWhen(1,x1=Cum(1),L));
> > ret2:=LastValue(Cum(1)-(x2t+Int(5*peri/5)));
> > seg2:=LastValue(Int((x2t-x1t)/2)+Int(4*peri/5));
> > x2:=LastValue(Cum(1)-LLVBars(Ref(e1,-ret2),seg2)-ret2);
> > y2:=LastValue(ValueWhen(1,x2=Cum(1),L));
> > {a:=(y1-y2)/(x1-x2);b:=y1-a*x1;}
> > a:=(y1-y2)/(x1-x2);
> > LoTL:=If(Cum(1)>x1t-5,(y1-y2)/(x1-x2)*Cum(1)+y1-(y1-y2)/(x1-x2)
> > *x1,BarsSince(Cum(1)>x1t-5)); 
> > Diff:=Ref(H-LoTL,-LastValue(Cum(1)-x2));
> > decal:=LastValue(HHV(Diff,x2-x1));
> > LoTL;LoTL+decal; 
> > 
> > ***TDLineHigh***
> > peri:=Input("Period",2,100,5);
> > {by FREDCOM, 15May2003 --> V1.12}
> > hic:= H>Ref(HHV(H,peri),-1) AND H>=Ref(HHV(H,peri),peri);
> > y1t:=LastValue(ValueWhen( 2, hic=1, H ));
> > y2t:=LastValue(ValueWhen( 1, hic=1, H ));
> > x1t:=LastValue(ValueWhen( 2, hic=1 , Cum(1) ));
> > x2t:=LastValue(ValueWhen( 1, hic=1 , Cum(1) ));
> > {at:=(y1t-y2t)/(x1t-x2t);bt:=y1t-at*x1t;}
> > yt:=(y1t-y2t)/(x1t-x2t)*Cum(1)+y1t-(y1t-y2t)/(x1t-x2t)*x1t; 
> > {yt:=at*cum(1)+bt;}
> > e1:=H-yt;
> > ret1:=LastValue(Cum(1)-(x1t+Int((x2t-x1t)/2)-1));
> > seg1:=LastValue(Int((x2t-x1t)/2+Int(2*peri/5)){+peri-1});
> > x1:=LastValue(Cum(1)-HHVBars(Ref(e1,-ret1),seg1)-ret1);
> > y1:=LastValue(ValueWhen(1,x1=Cum(1),H));
> > ret2:=LastValue(Cum(1)-(x2t+Int(4*peri/5)));
> > seg2:=LastValue(Int((x2t-x1t)/2)+Int(4*peri/5));
> > x2:=LastValue(Cum(1)-HHVBars(Ref(e1,-ret2),seg2)-ret2);
> > y2:=LastValue(ValueWhen(1,x2=Cum(1),H));
> > {a:=(y1-y2)/(x1-x2);b:=y1-a*x1;}
> > a:=(y1-y2)/(x1-x2);
> > HiTL:=If(Cum(1)>x1t-5,(y1-y2)/(x1-x2)*Cum(1)+y1-(y1-y2)/(x1-x2)
> > *x1,BarsSince(Cum(1)>x1t-5)); 
> > Diff:=Ref(HiTL-L,-LastValue(Cum(1)-x2));
> > decal:=LastValue(HHV(Diff,x2-x1));
> > HiTL;HiTL-decal; 
> > 
> > ***TDLineLow#LOG***
> > peri:=Input("Period",2,100,5);
> > {by FREDCOM, 15May2003 --> V1.12}
> > loc:= L<Ref(LLV(L,peri),-1) AND L<=Ref(LLV(L,peri),peri);
> > y1t:=Log(LastValue(ValueWhen( 2, loc=1, L )));
> > y2t:=Log(LastValue(ValueWhen( 1, loc=1, L )));
> > x1t:=LastValue(ValueWhen( 2, loc=1, Cum(1) ));
> > x2t:=LastValue(ValueWhen( 1, loc=1, Cum(1) ));
> > {at:=(y1t-y2t)/(x1t-x2t);bt:=y1t-at*x1t;}
> > yt:=Exp((y1t-y2t)/(x1t-x2t)*Cum(1)+y1t-(y1t-y2t)/(x1t-x2t)*x1t); 
> > {yt:=exp(at*cum(1)+bt);}
> > e1:=L-yt;
> > ret1:=LastValue(Cum(1)-(x1t+Int((x2t-x1t)/2)-1));
> > seg1:=LastValue(Int((x2t-x1t)/2+Int(2*peri/5)));
> > x1:=LastValue(Cum(1)-LLVBars(Ref(e1,-ret1),seg1)-ret1);
> > y1:=Log(LastValue(ValueWhen(1,x1=Cum(1),L)));
> > ret2:=LastValue(Cum(1)-(x2t+Int(4*peri/5)));
> > seg2:=LastValue(Int((x2t-x1t)/2)+Int(4*peri/5)+Int(1*peri/5));
> > x2:=LastValue(Cum(1)-LLVBars(Ref(e1,-ret2),seg2)-ret2);
> > y2:=Log(LastValue(ValueWhen(1,x2=Cum(1),L)));
> > {a:=(y1-y2)/(x1-x2);b:=y1-a*x1;}
> > LoTL:=Exp(If(Cum(1)>x1t-5,(y1-y2)/(x1-x2)*Cum(1)+y1-(y1-y2)/(x1-
> > *x1,BarsSince(Cum(1)>x1t-5))); 
> > Diff:=Ref(Log(H)-Log(LoTL),-LastValue(Cum(1)-x2));
> > decal:=LastValue(HHV(Diff,x2-x1));
> > LoTL;Exp(Log(LoTL)+decal); 
> > 
> > ***TDLineHigh#LOG***
> > peri:=Input("Period",2,100,5);
> > {by FREDCOM, 15May2003 --> V1.12}
> > hic:= H>Ref(HHV(H,peri),-1) AND H>=Ref(HHV(H,peri),peri);
> > y1t:=Log(LastValue(ValueWhen( 2, hic=1, H )));
> > y2t:=Log(LastValue(ValueWhen( 1, hic=1, H )));
> > x1t:=LastValue(ValueWhen( 2, hic=1 , Cum(1) ));
> > x2t:=LastValue(ValueWhen( 1, hic=1 , Cum(1) ));
> > {at:=(y1t-y2t)/(x1t-x2t);bt:=y1t-at*x1t;}
> > yt:=Exp((y1t-y2t)/(x1t-x2t)*Cum(1)+y1t-(y1t-y2t)/(x1t-x2t)*x1t); 
> > {yt:=at*cum(1)+bt;}
> > e1:=H-yt;
> > ret1:=LastValue(Cum(1)-(x1t+Int((x2t-x1t)/2)-1));
> > seg1:=LastValue(Int((x2t-x1t)/2+Int(2*peri/5)));
> > x1:=LastValue(Cum(1)-HHVBars(Ref(e1,-ret1),seg1)-ret1);
> > y1:=Log(LastValue(ValueWhen(1,x1=Cum(1),H)));
> > ret2:=LastValue(Cum(1)-(x2t+Int(4*peri/5)));
> > seg2:=LastValue(Int((x2t-x1t)/2)+Int(4*peri/5){+Int(1*peri/5)});
> > x2:=LastValue(Cum(1)-HHVBars(Ref(e1,-ret2),seg2)-ret2);
> > y2:=Log(LastValue(ValueWhen(1,x2=Cum(1),H)));
> > {a:=(y1-y2)/(x1-x2);b:=y1-a*x1;}
> > HiTL:=Exp(If(Cum(1)>x1t-5,(y1-y2)/(x1-x2)*Cum(1)+y1-(y1-y2)/(x1-
> > *x1,BarsSince(Cum(1)>x1t-5))); 
> > Diff:=Ref(Log(HiTL)-Log( L ),-LastValue(Cum(1)-x2));
> > decal:=LastValue(HHV(Diff,x2-x1));
> > HiTL;Exp(Log(HiTL)-decal);
> > ********************* 
> > 
> > *** TDLineLow Dates *** 
> > j:=Input("Date",1,31,15);
> > {by FREDCOM, 15May2003 --> V2.05}
> > m:=Input("Monh",1,12,1);
> > an:=Input("Year",1800,2200,2003);
> > date:=ValueWhen( 1, ((Year()-2000)*10000+Month()*100+DayOfMonth())
> > ((an-2000)*10000+m*100+j), Cum(1) );
> > peri:=Input("Période?",2,100,4);
> > loc:= L<Ref(LLV(L,peri),-1) AND L<=Ref(LLV(L,peri),peri) AND Cum
> > (LastValue(date)-peri);
> > y1t:=LastValue(ValueWhen( 2, loc=1, L ));
> > y2t:=LastValue(ValueWhen( 1, loc=1, L ));
> > x1t:=LastValue(ValueWhen( 2, loc=1, Cum(1) ));
> > x2t:=LastValue(ValueWhen( 1, loc=1, Cum(1) ));
> > {at:=(y1t-y2t)/(x1t-x2t);bt:=y1t-at*x1t;}
> > yt:=(y1t-y2t)/(x1t-x2t)*Cum(1)+y1t-(y1t-y2t)/(x1t-x2t)*x1t; 
> > {yt:=at*cum(1)+bt;}
> > {e1:=(L-yt)};
> > {ret1:=LastValue(Cum(1)-(x1t+Int((x2t-x1t)/2)-1))};
> > {seg1:=LastValue(Int((x2t-x1t)/2+Int(2*peri/5)))};
> > x1:=LastValue(Cum(1)-LLVBars(Ref({e1}(L-yt),{-ret1}-LastValue(Cum
> > (x1t+Int((x2t-x1t)/2)-1))),{seg1}LastValue(Int((x2t-x1t)/2+Int
> > (2*peri/5)))){-ret1}-LastValue(Cum(1)-(x1t+Int((x2t-x1t)/2)-1)));
> > y1:=LastValue(ValueWhen(1,x1=Cum(1),L));
> > ret2:=LastValue(Cum(1)-(x2t+Int(4*peri/5)));
> > seg2:=LastValue(Int((x2t-x1t)/2)+Int(4*peri/5));
> > x2:=LastValue(Cum(1)-LLVBars(Ref({e1}(L-yt),-ret2),seg2)-ret2);
> > y2:=LastValue(ValueWhen(1,x2=Cum(1),L));
> > {a:=(y1-y2)/(x1-x2);b:=y1-a*x1;} 
> > LoTL:=If(Cum(1)>x1t-5,(y1-y2)/(x1-x2)*Cum(1)+y1-(y1-y2)/(x1-x2)
> > *x1,BarsSince(Cum(1)>x1t-5)); 
> > Diff:=Ref(H-LoTL,-LastValue(Cum(1)-x2));
> > decal:=LastValue(HHV(Diff,x2-x1));
> > If(Cum(1)=LastValue(date),LoTL*.98,LoTL);LoTL;LoTL+decal; 
> > 
> > ***TDLineHigh Date***
> > j:=Input("Date",1,31,15);
> > {by FREDCOM, 15May2003 --> V2.05}
> > m:=Input("Monh",1,12,1);
> > an:=Input("Year",1800,2200,2003);
> > cdate:=ValueWhen( 1, ((Year()-2000)*10000+Month()*100+DayOfMonth
> > ((an-2000)*10000+m*100+j), Cum(1) );
> > peri:=Input("Période?",2,100,4);
> > hic:= H>Ref(HHV(H,peri),-1) AND H>=Ref(HHV(H,peri),peri) AND Cum
> > (LastValue(cdate)-peri);
> > y1t:=LastValue(ValueWhen( 2, hic=1, H ));
> > y2t:=LastValue(ValueWhen( 1, hic=1, H ));
> > x1t:=LastValue(ValueWhen( 2, hic=1 , Cum(1) ));
> > x2t:=LastValue(ValueWhen( 1, hic=1 , Cum(1) ));
> > {at:=(y1t-y2t)/(x1t-x2t);bt:=y1t-at*x1t;}
> > yt:=(y1t-y2t)/(x1t-x2t)*Cum(1)+y1t-(y1t-y2t)/(x1t-x2t)*x1t; 
> > {yt:=at*cum(1)+bt;}
> > {e1:=H-yt;}
> > {ret1:=LastValue(Cum(1)-(x1t+Int((x2t-x1t)/2)-1));}
> > {seg1:=LastValue(Int((x2t-x1t)/2+Int(2*peri/5)));}
> > x1:=LastValue(Cum(1)-HHVBars(Ref({e1}H-yt,{-ret1}-LastValue(Cum
> > (x1t+Int((x2t-x1t)/2)-1))),{seg1}LastValue(Int((x2t-x1t)/2+Int
> > (2*peri/5)))){-ret1}-LastValue(Cum(1)-(x1t+Int((x2t-x1t)/2)-1)));
> > y1:=LastValue(ValueWhen(1,x1=Cum(1),H));
> > ret2:=LastValue(Cum(1)-(x2t+Int(4*peri/5)));
> > seg2:=LastValue(Int((x2t-x1t)/2)+Int(4*peri/5));
> > x2:=LastValue(Cum(1)-HHVBars(Ref({e1}H-yt,-ret2),seg2)-ret2);
> > y2:=LastValue(ValueWhen(1,x2=Cum(1),H));
> > {a:=(y1-y2)/(x1-x2);b:=y1-a*x1;} 
> > HiTL:=If(Cum(1)>x1t-5,(y1-y2)/(x1-x2)*Cum(1)+y1-(y1-y2)/(x1-x2)
> > *x1,BarsSince(Cum(1)>x1t-5)); 
> > Diff:=Ref(HiTL-L,-LastValue(Cum(1)-x2));
> > decal:=LastValue(HHV(Diff,x2-x1));
> > If(Cum(1)=LastValue(cdate),HiTL*1.02,HiTL);HiTL;HiTL-decal;
> > ******************* 
> > 
> > Happy Trading
> > Trendchaser
> > http://www.freewebs.com/trendchaser/

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