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[EquisMetaStock Group] Re: Volume By Price Indicator

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Really strange! 

First, I tried the "*" test you asked for. Ver 8.0 will accept 52 lines of 48 characters, plus three extra; or 2499 total. So this is the same as what you said 7+ accepted. Then I pasted my download of your first formula into Word. It counted 2305 characters, which included the { } line. There were 48 lines, and each was followed by only a paragraph mark. So that should mean 2353 characters; although you indicated there were 2389. Not sure why a difference. I decided not to do a manual character count!

So then I tried to Paste it again into a new indicator [w/o the { } line]. I did it in two "pastes" and everything worked! So I have no idea why I had so much trouble before. If all my Metastock problems could be solved by just asking the question!

Finally I used the indicator on a stock. I first noticed that one of the inputs was "Scaling % in Parameter Box". What does this mean? Then I tried to interpret the series of horizontal lines, and I quickly realized that I had no idea what this indicator was designed to show. Can you explain what the purpose of the indicator is?

And finally, I was wondering why the Indicator's Last Date does not default to Today's date?


--- In equismetastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Roy Larsen" <rlarsen@xxxx> wrote:
> Harry
> The code comes from 7.03 and wasn't tested in 8.0. I assumed 8.0 would
> accommodate the same size indicator even though I admit that space is tight.
> In 7.03 there are 110 characters to spare so it would seem that 8.0 can't
> accept the 2499 characters (including end-of-line) that both 7.03 and 7.20
> seem to manage.
> Can you try creating a new indicator, filling it with just asterisks (*),
> then counting how many it takes. The Indicator Builder in 7.03 allows 48
> characters per line and 52 full lines with three characters on the 53rd
> line. If you insert an end-of-line character ("Enter" or "carriage return"
> for example) at the end of each line you will appear to have less space
> because each invisible character still takes up one character space.
> Until I know how many characters 8.0 will accept I won't know how much fat
> to trim. Not that there's a lot of fat anyway.
> You could also test the space limit by starting with only 50% of the
> indicator and adding lines until you hit the limit.
> It's possible that your mail program (or mine) has added in extra pad
> characters somehow which use some of the available character space. You
> could check this by pasting to Word and examining for extraneous characters.
> Once you can tell me the maximum number of characters allowed in 8.0 I
> should be able to sort out a solution.
> Roy
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "bex1210" <hmw3@xxxx>
> To: <equismetastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2003 3:29 PM
> Subject: [EquisMetaStock Group] Re: Volume By Price Indicator
> > Roy:
> >
> > I have Metastock 8. Just to see what it would do, I tried to install the
> first of your two "Volume by Price" indicators.
> >
> > But I can't do it. I get the error message "Unable to Paste clipboard
> contents because not enough space left in the formula."
> >
> > I even deleted the initial { text} line. But even with that, there is not
> enough space for the last line of your formula.
> >
> > What is the trick for fitting it all in??
> >
> > Harry
> >
> > --- In equismetastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Roy Larsen" <rlarsen@xxxx> wrote:
> > > Maybe somebody can find a use for this updated 'Volume by Price'
> indicator.
> > > The first one has a date format of mm/dd/yyyy, and the second a date
> format
> > > of dd/mm/yyyy. Have fun.
> > >
> > > My apologies to those that receive this post twice. I mistakenly sent it
> to
> > > the wrong group first time up.
> > >
> > > Roy
> > >
> > >   {Volume By Price US-10-C}
> > > M:=Input("First month, day,",101,1231,1015);
> > > Y:=Input( "year",1990,2003,2002);
> > > X2:=Input("Last month, day,",101,1231,0301);
> > > X3:=Input("year",1990,2003,2003);
> > > D:=Int(.01+Frac(M/100)*100); M:=Int(M/100);
> > > X1:=Int(.001+Frac(X2/100)*100); X2:=Int(X2/100);
> > > D:=(DayOfMonth()>=D AND Month()=M AND
> > > Year()=Y) OR Year()>Y OR (Year()=Y AND Month()>M);
> > > D:=BarsSince(D AND Alert(D=0,2));
> > > D:=LastValue(If(D=0,LastValue(Cum(1)-1),D));
> > > N:=Input("Scaling % in box,  0=None",0,100,50);
> > > M:=(DayOfMonth()>=X1 AND Month()=X2 AND
> > > Year()=X3) OR Year()>X3 OR (Year()=X3 AND Month()>X2);
> > > M:=BarsSince(M AND Alert(M=0,2));
> > > M:=LastValue(If(M=0,LastValue(Cum(1)-1),M));
> > > F:=LastValue(Cum(1));
> > > A:=(F-D)<Cum(1) AND (F-M)>=Cum(1);
> > > B:=LastValue(Cum(If(A,V,0)));
> > > Q:=LastValue(HighestSince(1,Ref(A=0,-M),Ref(C,-M)));
> > > R:=LastValue(LowestSince(1,Ref(A=0,-M),Ref(C,-M)));
> > > I:=(Q-R)/10;
> > > X1:=LastValue(Cum(If(C<(R+I) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > > X2:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I) AND C<(R+I*2) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > > X3:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*2) AND C<(R+I*3) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > > X4:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*3) AND C<(R+I*4) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > > X5:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*4) AND C<(R+I*5) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > > X6:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*5) AND C<(R+I*6) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > > X7:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*6) AND C<(R+I*7) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > > X8:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*7) AND C<(R+I*8) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > > X9:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*8) AND C<(R+I*9) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > > X0:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*9) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > > B:=Max(Max(X1,X2),Max(X3,X4));
> > > B:=Max(Max(B,X5),Max(X6,X7));
> > > B:=Max(Max(B,X8),Max(X9,X0));
> > > B:=If(N=0,1,B*100)/If(N=0,1,N);
> > > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,(F-D)<=Cum(1),Q),-M),M);
> > > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X0*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*9.5),-M),M);
> > > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X9*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*8.5),-M),M);
> > > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X8*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*7.5),-M),M);
> > > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X7*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*6.5),-M),M);
> > > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X6*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*5.5),-M),M);
> > > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X5*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*4.5),-M),M);
> > > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X4*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*3.5),-M),M);
> > > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X3*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*2.5),-M),M);
> > > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X2*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*1.5),-M),M);
> > > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X1*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*0.5),-M),M);
> > > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,(F-D)<=Cum(1) AND (F-D)>Cum(1)-2,If(A,R,Q)),-M),M);
> > >
> > >
> > >   {Volume By Price 10-C}
> > > D:=Input("First day, month,",101,3112,1510);
> > > Y:=Input( "year",1990,2003,2002);
> > > X1:=Input("Last day, month,",101,3112,103);
> > > X3:=Input("year",1990,2003,2003);
> > > M:=Int(.01+Frac(D/100)*100); D:=Int(D/100);
> > > X2:=Int(.001+Frac(X1/100)*100); X1:=Int(X1/100);
> > > D:=(DayOfMonth()>=D AND Month()=M AND
> > > Year()=Y) OR Year()>Y OR (Year()=Y AND Month()>M);
> > > D:=BarsSince(D AND Alert(D=0,2));
> > > D:=LastValue(If(D=0,LastValue(Cum(1)-1),D));
> > > N:=Input("Scaling % in box,  0=None",0,100,50);
> > > M:=(DayOfMonth()>=X1 AND Month()=X2 AND
> > > Year()=X3) OR Year()>X3 OR (Year()=X3 AND Month()>X2);
> > > M:=BarsSince(M AND Alert(M=0,2));
> > > M:=LastValue(If(M=0,LastValue(Cum(1)-1),M));
> > > F:=LastValue(Cum(1));
> > > A:=(F-D)<Cum(1) AND (F-M)>=Cum(1);
> > > B:=LastValue(Cum(If(A,V,0)));
> > > Q:=LastValue(HighestSince(1,Ref(A=0,-M),Ref(C,-M)));
> > > R:=LastValue(LowestSince(1,Ref(A=0,-M),Ref(C,-M)));
> > > I:=(Q-R)/10;
> > > X1:=LastValue(Cum(If(C<(R+I) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > > X2:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I) AND C<(R+I*2) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > > X3:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*2) AND C<(R+I*3) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > > X4:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*3) AND C<(R+I*4) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > > X5:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*4) AND C<(R+I*5) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > > X6:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*5) AND C<(R+I*6) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > > X7:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*6) AND C<(R+I*7) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > > X8:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*7) AND C<(R+I*8) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > > X9:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*8) AND C<(R+I*9) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > > X0:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*9) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > > B:=Max(Max(X1,X2),Max(X3,X4));
> > > B:=Max(Max(B,X5),Max(X6,X7));
> > > B:=Max(Max(B,X8),Max(X9,X0));
> > > B:=If(N=0,1,B*100)/If(N=0,1,N);
> > > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,(F-D)<=Cum(1),Q),-M),M);
> > > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X0*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*9.5),-M),M);
> > > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X9*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*8.5),-M),M);
> > > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X8*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*7.5),-M),M);
> > > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X7*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*6.5),-M),M);
> > > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X6*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*5.5),-M),M);
> > > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X5*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*4.5),-M),M);
> > > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X4*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*3.5),-M),M);
> > > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X3*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*2.5),-M),M);
> > > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X2*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*1.5),-M),M);
> > > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X1*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*0.5),-M),M);
> > > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,(F-D)<=Cum(1) AND (F-D)>Cum(1)-2,If(A,R,Q)),-M),M);
> >
> >
> >       Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> >
> >
> >
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