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Re: [EquisMetaStock Group] Re: Volume By Price Indicator

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The code comes from 7.03 and wasn't tested in 8.0. I assumed 8.0 would
accommodate the same size indicator even though I admit that space is tight.
In 7.03 there are 110 characters to spare so it would seem that 8.0 can't
accept the 2499 characters (including end-of-line) that both 7.03 and 7.20
seem to manage.

Can you try creating a new indicator, filling it with just asterisks (*),
then counting how many it takes. The Indicator Builder in 7.03 allows 48
characters per line and 52 full lines with three characters on the 53rd
line. If you insert an end-of-line character ("Enter" or "carriage return"
for example) at the end of each line you will appear to have less space
because each invisible character still takes up one character space.

Until I know how many characters 8.0 will accept I won't know how much fat
to trim. Not that there's a lot of fat anyway.

You could also test the space limit by starting with only 50% of the
indicator and adding lines until you hit the limit.

It's possible that your mail program (or mine) has added in extra pad
characters somehow which use some of the available character space. You
could check this by pasting to Word and examining for extraneous characters.
Once you can tell me the maximum number of characters allowed in 8.0 I
should be able to sort out a solution.


----- Original Message -----
From: "bex1210" <hmw3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <equismetastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2003 3:29 PM
Subject: [EquisMetaStock Group] Re: Volume By Price Indicator

> Roy:
> I have Metastock 8. Just to see what it would do, I tried to install the
first of your two "Volume by Price" indicators.
> But I can't do it. I get the error message "Unable to Paste clipboard
contents because not enough space left in the formula."
> I even deleted the initial { text} line. But even with that, there is not
enough space for the last line of your formula.
> What is the trick for fitting it all in??
> Harry
> --- In equismetastock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Roy Larsen" <rlarsen@xxxx> wrote:
> > Maybe somebody can find a use for this updated 'Volume by Price'
> > The first one has a date format of mm/dd/yyyy, and the second a date
> > of dd/mm/yyyy. Have fun.
> >
> > My apologies to those that receive this post twice. I mistakenly sent it
> > the wrong group first time up.
> >
> > Roy
> >
> >   {Volume By Price US-10-C}
> > M:=Input("First month, day,",101,1231,1015);
> > Y:=Input( "year",1990,2003,2002);
> > X2:=Input("Last month, day,",101,1231,0301);
> > X3:=Input("year",1990,2003,2003);
> > D:=Int(.01+Frac(M/100)*100); M:=Int(M/100);
> > X1:=Int(.001+Frac(X2/100)*100); X2:=Int(X2/100);
> > D:=(DayOfMonth()>=D AND Month()=M AND
> > Year()=Y) OR Year()>Y OR (Year()=Y AND Month()>M);
> > D:=BarsSince(D AND Alert(D=0,2));
> > D:=LastValue(If(D=0,LastValue(Cum(1)-1),D));
> > N:=Input("Scaling % in box,  0=None",0,100,50);
> > M:=(DayOfMonth()>=X1 AND Month()=X2 AND
> > Year()=X3) OR Year()>X3 OR (Year()=X3 AND Month()>X2);
> > M:=BarsSince(M AND Alert(M=0,2));
> > M:=LastValue(If(M=0,LastValue(Cum(1)-1),M));
> > F:=LastValue(Cum(1));
> > A:=(F-D)<Cum(1) AND (F-M)>=Cum(1);
> > B:=LastValue(Cum(If(A,V,0)));
> > Q:=LastValue(HighestSince(1,Ref(A=0,-M),Ref(C,-M)));
> > R:=LastValue(LowestSince(1,Ref(A=0,-M),Ref(C,-M)));
> > I:=(Q-R)/10;
> > X1:=LastValue(Cum(If(C<(R+I) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > X2:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I) AND C<(R+I*2) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > X3:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*2) AND C<(R+I*3) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > X4:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*3) AND C<(R+I*4) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > X5:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*4) AND C<(R+I*5) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > X6:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*5) AND C<(R+I*6) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > X7:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*6) AND C<(R+I*7) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > X8:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*7) AND C<(R+I*8) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > X9:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*8) AND C<(R+I*9) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > X0:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*9) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > B:=Max(Max(X1,X2),Max(X3,X4));
> > B:=Max(Max(B,X5),Max(X6,X7));
> > B:=Max(Max(B,X8),Max(X9,X0));
> > B:=If(N=0,1,B*100)/If(N=0,1,N);
> > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,(F-D)<=Cum(1),Q),-M),M);
> > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X0*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*9.5),-M),M);
> > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X9*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*8.5),-M),M);
> > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X8*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*7.5),-M),M);
> > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X7*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*6.5),-M),M);
> > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X6*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*5.5),-M),M);
> > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X5*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*4.5),-M),M);
> > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X4*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*3.5),-M),M);
> > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X3*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*2.5),-M),M);
> > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X2*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*1.5),-M),M);
> > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X1*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*0.5),-M),M);
> > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,(F-D)<=Cum(1) AND (F-D)>Cum(1)-2,If(A,R,Q)),-M),M);
> >
> >
> >   {Volume By Price 10-C}
> > D:=Input("First day, month,",101,3112,1510);
> > Y:=Input( "year",1990,2003,2002);
> > X1:=Input("Last day, month,",101,3112,103);
> > X3:=Input("year",1990,2003,2003);
> > M:=Int(.01+Frac(D/100)*100); D:=Int(D/100);
> > X2:=Int(.001+Frac(X1/100)*100); X1:=Int(X1/100);
> > D:=(DayOfMonth()>=D AND Month()=M AND
> > Year()=Y) OR Year()>Y OR (Year()=Y AND Month()>M);
> > D:=BarsSince(D AND Alert(D=0,2));
> > D:=LastValue(If(D=0,LastValue(Cum(1)-1),D));
> > N:=Input("Scaling % in box,  0=None",0,100,50);
> > M:=(DayOfMonth()>=X1 AND Month()=X2 AND
> > Year()=X3) OR Year()>X3 OR (Year()=X3 AND Month()>X2);
> > M:=BarsSince(M AND Alert(M=0,2));
> > M:=LastValue(If(M=0,LastValue(Cum(1)-1),M));
> > F:=LastValue(Cum(1));
> > A:=(F-D)<Cum(1) AND (F-M)>=Cum(1);
> > B:=LastValue(Cum(If(A,V,0)));
> > Q:=LastValue(HighestSince(1,Ref(A=0,-M),Ref(C,-M)));
> > R:=LastValue(LowestSince(1,Ref(A=0,-M),Ref(C,-M)));
> > I:=(Q-R)/10;
> > X1:=LastValue(Cum(If(C<(R+I) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > X2:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I) AND C<(R+I*2) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > X3:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*2) AND C<(R+I*3) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > X4:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*3) AND C<(R+I*4) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > X5:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*4) AND C<(R+I*5) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > X6:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*5) AND C<(R+I*6) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > X7:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*6) AND C<(R+I*7) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > X8:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*7) AND C<(R+I*8) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > X9:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*8) AND C<(R+I*9) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > X0:=LastValue(Cum(If(C>=(R+I*9) AND A,V,0))/B);
> > B:=Max(Max(X1,X2),Max(X3,X4));
> > B:=Max(Max(B,X5),Max(X6,X7));
> > B:=Max(Max(B,X8),Max(X9,X0));
> > B:=If(N=0,1,B*100)/If(N=0,1,N);
> > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,(F-D)<=Cum(1),Q),-M),M);
> > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X0*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*9.5),-M),M);
> > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X9*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*8.5),-M),M);
> > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X8*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*7.5),-M),M);
> > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X7*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*6.5),-M),M);
> > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X6*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*5.5),-M),M);
> > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X5*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*4.5),-M),M);
> > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X4*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*3.5),-M),M);
> > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X3*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*2.5),-M),M);
> > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X2*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*1.5),-M),M);
> > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,F-Int(X1*(D-M)/B)=Cum(1)+M,R+I*0.5),-M),M);
> > Ref(Ref(ValueWhen(1,(F-D)<=Cum(1) AND (F-D)>Cum(1)-2,If(A,R,Q)),-M),M);
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